{"id": 16480721, "name": "Lynne Varner", "description": "College isn't about preparing for a job, it's about preparing for a fully realized life. Associate Vice Chancellor, Washington State University Everett.", "location": "Seattle", "url": null, "twitter": "https://twitter.com/lkvarner", "fellowship": "jsk-fellows2004", "followers_count": 1468, "created_at": "2008-09-27T02:34:03+00:00", "verified": 0, "screen_name": "lkvarner"} {"id": 17272464, "name": "aaronhuey", "description": "Aaron Huey is a National Geographic photographer, a Stanford http://d.School Global Ambassador, and the father of Hawkeye and Juno.", "location": "Seattle", "url": "http://www.aaronhuey.com", "twitter": "https://twitter.com/aaronhuey", "fellowship": "jsk-fellows2012", "followers_count": 3683, "created_at": "2008-11-09T19:11:32+00:00", "verified": 0, "screen_name": "aaronhuey"} {"id": 17677665, "name": "Geoff McGhee", "description": "Data vis & multimedia journalism, variously @TheWaterDesk @WestCenter. Former @jskstanford, @lemondefr, @nytimes, @NatGeo My opinions only.", "location": "Seattle", "url": "http://www.geoffmcghee.com", "twitter": "https://twitter.com/mcgeoff", "fellowship": "jsk-fellows2010", "followers_count": 3119, "created_at": "2008-11-27T13:26:22+00:00", "verified": 0, "screen_name": "mcgeoff"} {"id": 860166914, "name": "Tandemvines Media", "description": "Denise Clifton develops stories & writes for organizations like @projectfeast & @alaskaair. Always exploring stories behind food. (Book: Tables From The Rubble)", "location": "Seattle", "url": "https://www.tandemvines.com/", "twitter": "https://twitter.com/Tandemvines", "fellowship": "jsk-fellows2005", "followers_count": 230, "created_at": "2012-10-03T18:46:41+00:00", "verified": 0, "screen_name": "Tandemvines"}