jsk_fellows (view)

9 rows where fellowship = "jsk-fellows2000"

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Suggested facets: description, location, verified, created_at (date)


  • jsk-fellows2000 · 9
id name description location url fellowship followers_count created_at verified screen_name
16672162 Veronica Flores-Paniagua External Affairs Advisor @Chevron, ex-journo, #energy & #education policy junkie; @UHouston-ex; #runner; 2000 @JSKStanford fellow. RT ≠ endorsement iPhone: 29.463654,-98.473572 http://www.chevron.com jsk-fellows2000 3951 2008-10-09T19:37:34+00:00 1 vxflores
17018840 Kevin Sullivan Washington Post Senior Correspondent. Author, with Mary Jordan, of 'Trump on Trial.' Out 8/25/2020. Pre-orders now! Washington DC http://washingtonpost.com jsk-fellows2000 4364 2008-10-28T10:42:23+00:00 1 sullivank
17455049 George Haj President, @hajmediainc, a strategic communications firm. Recovering journalist. Former @miamiherald, @jskstanford, @ALMMedia, @houstonchron   http://hajmedia.com jsk-fellows2000 3070 2008-11-18T00:57:30+00:00 1 georgehaj
77842540 Katherine Ellison #Author of #Mothers & #Murderers The #MommyBrain: How #Motherhood Makes You Smarter, #Pulitzer prize winning #journalist #editor + #publicspeaker San Francisco Bay Area http://www.katherineellison.com jsk-fellows2000 1142 2009-09-27T21:48:12+00:00 0 kathellison
101255581 Theo Stein Cranky Yankee besotted by the West. Lafayette, Colo.   jsk-fellows2000 116 2010-01-02T16:13:01+00:00 0 theoestein
118957609 Kim Norgaard CNN Johannesburg Bureau Johannesburg, South Africa http://www.cnn.com jsk-fellows2000 3971 2010-03-02T06:37:09+00:00 0 KimNorgaardCNN
230879206 Sean P. Murphy Reporter @Boston Globe, Suffolk University journalism professor, regular on the Red Line Boston, MA http://bostonglobe.com jsk-fellows2000 1407 2010-12-27T00:02:17+00:00 0 spmurphyboston
1522716182 Sarah T. Williams       jsk-fellows2000 32 2013-06-16T17:16:34+00:00 0 sarahtwilliams1
1892710843 Rita Neubauer       jsk-fellows2000 24 2013-09-22T06:12:57+00:00 0 ritaneubauer

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE VIEW jsk_fellows AS 
        'https://twitter.com/' || users.screen_name as twitter,
        group_concat(lists.slug) as fellowship,
    from users
        join list_members
            on list_members.user = users.id
        join lists
            on list_members.list = lists.id
        lists.slug like 'jsk-fellows%'
        and lists.slug not like '%projects'
    group by users.id;
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