jsk_fellows (view)

10 rows where fellowship = "jsk-fellows2005"

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Suggested facets: description, location, verified, created_at (date)


  • jsk-fellows2005 · 10
id name description location url fellowship followers_count created_at verified screen_name
20846696 Tomasz Deptula       jsk-fellows2005 15 2009-02-14T13:27:41+00:00 0 tomekdep
26336913 Frances Robles I cover Puerto Rico, Central America, and file investigative reports from Florida and beyond for the @nytimes. https://www.nytimes.com/by/frances-robles?8qa Florida, USA http://www.nytimes.com/by/frances-robles jsk-fellows2005 23422 2009-03-24T22:05:08+00:00 1 FrancesRobles
43439375 Carlos Dada Periodista @_ElFaro_ La Libertad, El Salvador http://www.elfaro.net jsk-fellows2005 50917 2009-05-29T23:59:05+00:00 0 CarlosDada
44067999 Geri Migielicz Lorry I Lokey Professional of Journalism Practice Stanford University Graduate Program in Journalism Santa Cruz, Ca, USA http://story4.org jsk-fellows2005 319 2009-06-02T05:41:47+00:00 0 gmigielicz
56355598 Colleen Barry Reporting on Italy for the Associated Press. You name it.     jsk-fellows2005 553 2009-07-13T12:08:38+00:00 0 CollBarry
83623934 Jody Berger I care about health--yours, mine, the planet's. #writer, #author   http://www.jody-berger.com jsk-fellows2005 442 2009-10-19T15:30:18+00:00 0 jodyberger
164206121 Akaki Gogichaishvili       jsk-fellows2005 174 2010-07-08T08:49:13+00:00 0 BizCourier
437729436 Susan Ferriss Reporter, immigration editor @publicintegrity The Fight in the Fields co-author, former Mexico-based news correspondent. Welcome tips. Washington, D.C. http://www.publicintegrity.org/ jsk-fellows2005 2121 2011-12-15T19:24:06+00:00 1 susanferriss
860166914 Tandemvines Media Denise Clifton develops stories & writes for organizations like @projectfeast & @alaskaair. Always exploring stories behind food. (Book: Tables From The Rubble) Seattle https://www.tandemvines.com/ jsk-fellows2005 230 2012-10-03T18:46:41+00:00 0 Tandemvines
1370570863 Sacha Pfeiffer @NPR reporter. Former reporter for @BostonGlobe & @GlobeSpotlight. Former @WBUR host & reporter. @JSKStanford fellow. @SpotlightMovie fan. spfeiffer@npr.org Boston, MA https://www.npr.org/people/676406186/sacha-pfeiffer jsk-fellows2005 18502 2013-04-21T20:54:15+00:00 1 SachaPfeiffer

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE VIEW jsk_fellows AS 
        'https://twitter.com/' || users.screen_name as twitter,
        group_concat(lists.slug) as fellowship,
    from users
        join list_members
            on list_members.user = users.id
        join lists
            on list_members.list = lists.id
        lists.slug like 'jsk-fellows%'
        and lists.slug not like '%projects'
    group by users.id;
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