users: 184814522

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id screen_name name description location url protected followers_count friends_count listed_count created_at favourites_count utc_offset time_zone geo_enabled verified statuses_count lang contributors_enabled is_translator is_translation_enabled profile_background_color profile_background_image_url profile_background_image_url_https profile_background_tile profile_image_url profile_image_url_https profile_banner_url profile_link_color profile_sidebar_border_color profile_sidebar_fill_color profile_text_color profile_use_background_image has_extended_profile default_profile default_profile_image following notifications translator_type
184814522 LisaARossi Lisa Rossi Co-founder: Bonfire Strategy. Delivering powerful experiences to spur creative ideas that resonate. Passionate about: Building stronger teams and communities. Des Moines, IA   0 2060 2292 133 2010-08-30T15:09:19+00:00 6506     1 1 7921   0 0 0 ACDED6 0 EEEEEE F6F6F6 333333 1 0 0 0 1 0 none

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