{"rowid": 1112229965624307712, "name": "Haunted \u201cKate \ud83d\udc7b\u2615\ufe0f Maxwell\u201d House", "screen_name": "katebmaxwell", "description": "Mostly newstweeting as publisher of worker-owned @themendovoice and @jskstanford community fellow. More news co-ops now. SF/DC to Mendocino.", "location": "Mendocino County, CA"} {"rowid": 1067218780806307841, "name": "Stanford HAI", "screen_name": "StanfordHAI", "description": "Advancing AI research, education, policy, and practice to improve the human condition.", "location": "Stanford, CA"} {"rowid": 975918869876527104, "name": "Brit from Nork", "screen_name": "britharley", "description": "I\u2019m back on Twitter y\u2019all. I am a youth organizer that works in a news department making sure the community is represented. (my views are mine)", "location": "Newark, NJ"} {"rowid": 974442329791582208, "name": "Pactio Us", "screen_name": "pactio_us", "description": "Pactio reinvents the way local journalism is created and funded by enabling newsrooms to better connect with and get ongoing support from their audience.", "location": "Bay Area"} {"rowid": 904064391112306688, "name": "The Trust Project", "screen_name": "_trustproject", "description": "The Trust Project is an international consortium of news organizations collaborating to use transparency to build a more trustworthy and trusted press.", "location": "Santa Clara, CA"} {"rowid": 880043087384412160, "name": "The Bell", "screen_name": "thebell_io", "description": "\ud83d\udd14The most important politics and business stories from Russia. Sign-up for our weekly email newsletter: http://thebell.io/en/", "location": ""} {"rowid": 781961899835437056, "name": "Spaceship Media", "screen_name": "spaceship_media", "description": "Journalism to bridge divides. Building communities, restoring trust in journalism, reducing polarization //\n\nspaceshipmedia@spaceshipmedia.org", "location": "space"} {"rowid": 780797903820378113, "name": "Outlier Media", "screen_name": "media_outlier", "description": "Outlier is a journalism service delivering high value information directly to news consumers over text message. Text OUTLIER to 73224 to see how it works.", "location": "Detroit, MI"} {"rowid": 750919846330793984, "name": "YooHee Hong", "screen_name": "YooHeeHong0916", "description": "", "location": "San Francisco, CA"} {"rowid": 4250629253, "name": "Joseph Poliszuk", "screen_name": "jopoliszuk", "description": "Periodista | Coeditor-Fundador de @ArmandoInfo | @JSKstanford Fellow", "location": ""} {"rowid": 4083799919, "name": "Joel Konopo", "screen_name": "JKonopo", "description": "| Innovator | Investigative journalist @ink_cij \ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfc | Father of three | @jskstanford Fellow 19 |", "location": "Botswana"} {"rowid": 3473664018, "name": "Project Facet", "screen_name": "ProjectFacet", "description": "The Future of Journalism is Collaborative. Facet is an open source project to help newsrooms create and manage effective editorial collaborations.", "location": "San Francisco, CA"} {"rowid": 3314775459, "name": "First Draft", "screen_name": "firstdraftnews", "description": "We work to protect communities from harmful disinformation by sharing tips and resources to build resilience and improve access to accurate information.", "location": "Global"} {"rowid": 3245142196, "name": "Google News Initiative", "screen_name": "GoogleNewsInit", "description": "Our effort to help news organizations and journalists thrive in the digital age.", "location": "San Francisco, CA"} {"rowid": 3177360083, "name": "jimmy gutierrez", "screen_name": "JimmyGootz", "description": "filling Milwaukee's info gaps w #News414 | @JSKstanford community impact fellow | former hit maker @NHPR | jv baller | he/him", "location": "Milwaukee"} {"rowid": 3140544572, "name": "Walter", "screen_name": "askwalterai", "description": "Building a two-way conversation between audiences and the news. What do you want to know? #AskWalter", "location": "Palo Alto, CA"} {"rowid": 3138103122, "name": "EPAnow _", "screen_name": "EPAnow650", "description": "This is East Palo Alto's Youth Led News and Media Hub ..", "location": ""} {"rowid": 2970380367, "name": "GSS", "screen_name": "GSSVoices", "description": "Global Student Square helps high school students around the world connect, collaborate and create stories that matter. RTs \u2260 endorsements", "location": "Stanford, CA"} {"rowid": 2815077014, "name": "Christopher Manning", "screen_name": "chrmanning", "description": "Director, @StanfordAILab. Assoc. Director, @StanfordHAI, Prof. CS & Linguistics, @Stanford. \ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa Do #NLProc. Find out what I'm up to at @stanfordnlp. \ud83d\udc4b", "location": "Palo Alto"} {"rowid": 2802357499, "name": "Heather Dewar", "screen_name": "heatherjodewar", "description": "", "location": ""} {"rowid": 2571132636, "name": "Barbara Maseda", "screen_name": "barbaramaseda", "description": "Founder @Invntario, @TEDfellow 2020 \nBefore: @JSKStanford class '18, @BCUMedia #ddj #textdata #opendata #transparency PGP http://bit.ly/2YnCT8Q", "location": "Cuba"} {"rowid": 2564378390, "name": "CityMatter", "screen_name": "CityMatter", "description": "More Info Coming Soon!", "location": ""} {"rowid": 2521976948, "name": "SaharSpeaks", "screen_name": "Sahar_Speaks", "description": "Nurturing #Afghan female reporters. Developed @jskstanford. Partners @AfghanAgencies & @HuffPost Check out our stories: http://www.saharspeaks.news", "location": "Kabul "} {"rowid": 2478659700, "name": "Briefly", "screen_name": "BrieflyTV", "description": "Briefly.TV helps TV journalists find amazing stories about our legal system from the lawyers and advocates who know them best.", "location": "Palo Alto, CA"} {"rowid": 2464050332, "name": "SRCCON", "screen_name": "SRCCON", "description": "A participant-led conference by @OpenNews for journalists who want to transform their work, orgs, and communities. Incubated @mozilla. @CommunityPrtnrs project.", "location": "July 15-17 Online"} {"rowid": 2432250330, "name": "NOD - News On Demand", "screen_name": "getnod", "description": "All the news that fits your attention span. Catching up on major events made easy. Efficient, beautiful, free. English/Fran\u00e7ais. Knight Prototype Fund Recipient", "location": "California"} {"rowid": 2386399944, "name": "Evrybit", "screen_name": "evrybit", "description": "Live #mobile #storytelling. Easy. Fun. Profitable. Get every bit of a story. https://appsto.re/us/xab35.i", "location": "Worldwide"} {"rowid": 2373280040, "name": "\u5800\u6c5f\u5e83\u7f8e", "screen_name": "HiromiSHorie", "description": "Bloomberg News\u6771\u4eac\u652f\u5c40\u8a18\u8005\u30fb\u7de8\u96c6\u8005/JBN Finance&Credit TL/\u30e9\u30a4\u30d6\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30b9\u30d6\u30ed\u30b0PM/\u30d5\u30eb\u30d6\u30e9\u30a4\u30c8\u30b8\u30e3\u30fc\u30ca\u30ea\u30b9\u30c8/\u30b9\u30bf\u30f3\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30c9\u5927\u5b66\u5143\u30d5\u30a7\u30ed\u30fc/TEDxFulbright Tokyo Speaker/\u30e8\u30acRYT500/ Hiromi Saimu Horie. \u30c4\u30a4\u30fc\u30c8\u306f\u500b\u4eba\u306e\u898b\u89e3", "location": ""} {"rowid": 2359858477, "name": "Venezuela Decoded", "screen_name": "VzlaDecoded", "description": "News about Venezuela\u00b4s crisis.", "location": ""} {"rowid": 2317636063, "name": "liza osetinskaya", "screen_name": "osetinskayaliza", "description": "Russian journalist, editor, media manager. interested in Russian politics, digital media, perfect journalism. Stanford Jsk knight fellow 2017", "location": "Palo Alto, CA"} {"rowid": 2281026164, "name": "Clara G Sueyro", "screen_name": "claragsueyro", "description": "Currently http://alpha.ca.gov. Formerly founder Jobs to be Researched LLC, 2017 Fellow @JSKstanford 2014 Fellow @codeforamerica", "location": "Sacramento, CA"} {"rowid": 2230646461, "name": "Tribal News Network", "screen_name": "TNNEnglish", "description": "Providing Local News to the Tribal Areas of Pakistan", "location": "KPK"} {"rowid": 2199658388, "name": "Oleksandr Akymenko", "screen_name": "akymenko_o", "description": "Entrepreneur, design-thinking consultant, @Stanford @JSKstanford Fellow 2015/16. Publisher at @Platfor_ma. Ex-head of investigative department at Forbes Ukraine", "location": "Kyiv, Ukraine"} {"rowid": 2188851283, "name": "DataStory", "screen_name": "getdatastory", "description": "Telling stories with all the data you need. Project founded by @nunovargas during JSKnight Fellowship'13 at Stanford.", "location": "California & Portugal"} {"rowid": 2181453834, "name": "CodeActually", "screen_name": "CodeActually", "description": "You can code. Actually.", "location": ""} {"rowid": 2149361988, "name": "Sara Catania", "screen_name": "Catanify", "description": "Now: Solutions Journalism Network + USC Annenberg \u2022 Always: JSK Stanford \ud83c\udf5d Catania rhymes with lasagna Headshot by Richa Syal", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1892710843, "name": "Rita Neubauer", "screen_name": "ritaneubauer", "description": "", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1883693504, "name": "HRDCVR", "screen_name": "xHRDCVRx", "description": "a hardcover culture magazine created by diverse teams for a diverse world | from @danamo & @elliottwilson | home of the #hrdlist", "location": "#hoodsdeepworldswide"} {"rowid": 1735721420, "name": "Stanford Journalism", "screen_name": "StanfordJourn", "description": "Updates from @Stanford University's Journalism Program and Stanford Computational Journalism Lab, where we focus on multimedia storytelling and data journalism.", "location": "Stanford, CA"} {"rowid": 1638298657, "name": "OrbitalLab", "screen_name": "orbitalab", "description": "Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o para reunir quem tem projetos de m\u00eddia e quer tir\u00e1-los do papel. Um espa\u00e7o para pensar, elaborar, testar e criar.", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1635237446, "name": "Americas Datafest", "screen_name": "datafest2013", "description": "The first hemispheric hackathon on migration in the Americas November 2-3, 2013 || #americasdf || Lead organizer @terebouza", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1604288388, "name": "Samaruddin Stewart", "screen_name": "samsends", "description": "Countering Disinformation @StateDept | Priors: @Journalism_360 & @ONA, Media + Tech @spj_tweets with @GoogleNewsInit, @knightfdn Grantee, @JSKStanford Fellow..", "location": "SF Bay Area"} {"rowid": 1581899310, "name": "Tom & David Kelley", "screen_name": "kelleybros", "description": "Brothers + authors of Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential within Us All. On shelves now!", "location": "California"} {"rowid": 1548898596, "name": "Eric Westervelt", "screen_name": "Ericnpr", "description": "@NPR journalist. Recovering foreign correspondent. Occasional host. Musician by moonlight \nhttp://SecureDrop.npr.org/ http://SeeDisclaimer.com", "location": "San Francisco, CA"} {"rowid": 1522716182, "name": "Sarah T. Williams", "screen_name": "sarahtwilliams1", "description": "", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1508511422, "name": "Chicas Poderosas", "screen_name": "poderosaschicas", "description": "Somos una comunidad global que promueve el cambio fomentando el desarrollo de mujeres en medios y creando oportunidades para que todas las voces sean escuchadas", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1435782937, "name": "AfricaStoryChallenge", "screen_name": "storychallenge", "description": "The African Story Challenge is a $1 million programme of reporting grants to encourage innovative storytelling to improve the health and prosperity of Africans.", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1407123218, "name": "DroneDeploy", "screen_name": "DroneDeploy", "description": "Cloud-based software enabling simple and reliable drone operations. Create maps & 3D models in two clicks. Over 100 million acres mapped.", "location": "San Francisco"} {"rowid": 1379368854, "name": "Peter Bahemuka", "screen_name": "PietroBahemuka", "description": "Keenly interested in media, communications, human rights, politics, business, international affairs, literature, film, music, sports, nature, history and travel", "location": "Kampala, Uganda"} {"rowid": 1370927040, "name": "Alfredo Molano B", "screen_name": "AlfredoMolanoB", "description": "\ud83d\udd4a\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf4 Comisionado de la Verdad \ud83d\udc9a Soci\u00f3logo UN, periodista y cronista \ud83d\udd6f [1944 - 2019] Cuenta en Homenaje al Maestro.", "location": "Colombia Rural"} {"rowid": 1370570863, "name": "Sacha Pfeiffer", "screen_name": "SachaPfeiffer", "description": "@NPR reporter. Former reporter for @BostonGlobe & @GlobeSpotlight. Former @WBUR host & reporter. @JSKStanford fellow. @SpotlightMovie fan. spfeiffer@npr.org", "location": "Boston, MA"} {"rowid": 1363141442, "name": "Megafone", "screen_name": "GetMegafone", "description": "", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1356019962, "name": "Lope Gutierrez-Ruiz", "screen_name": "hello_lope", "description": "@JSKstanford and @TEDFellow. Co-Founder of Gopher Magazine & In-House International. Exploring the future of our cities, open data, design, cultural management.", "location": "Austin, TX"} {"rowid": 1348510681, "name": "Migrahack", "screen_name": "Migrahack", "description": "Our purpose is to foster the use of technology and open data to innovate information about immigration.", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1343792784, "name": "Animated Press", "screen_name": "AnimatedPress", "description": "", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1246512684, "name": "The Newstapes", "screen_name": "newstapes", "description": "News you need for the time you have. One story per day, in 3 links, depending on how much time you have. (A project by @M_C_B, Knight fellow '13)", "location": "San Francisco, CA"} {"rowid": 1236306422, "name": "Mar\u00eda Lilly Delgado", "screen_name": "MLillyDelgado", "description": "Periodista.-Journalist. Stanford Knight Fellow 2013. Periodista-Freelance TV News Reporter and Producer @ Nicaragua. Tweets are on my own.", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1171581110, "name": "Motunrayo Alaka", "screen_name": "D_Encourager", "description": "Intentional|Media+Leadership+Development| ED/CEO @WSoyinkaCentre| UNAD | UNILAG | Fellow @StanfordCDDRL and @JSKstanford| Nehemiah 4:6", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1169981785, "name": "Mike Stanton", "screen_name": "projomike", "description": "UConn journalism professor. Boston Globe Spotlight Fellow. Bestselling author, The Prince of Providence & Unbeaten. Pulitzer. @NewhouseSU & @MedillSchool alum.", "location": "Rhode Island & Connecticut"} {"rowid": 1168982911, "name": "Tunji Lardner", "screen_name": "TunjiLardner", "description": "", "location": ""} {"rowid": 1053480468, "name": "Gregory Johnson", "screen_name": "iGregoryJohnson", "description": "modernizing tech for cities | http://CodeforSouth.org director | JSK @Stanford Fellow \u201820-21 | \ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf2", "location": "Florida "} {"rowid": 1010044015, "name": "GroundSource", "screen_name": "groundsource", "description": "A platform built for listening at scale to turn your most valued audiences into superfans through direct, two-way messaging over SMS, chat apps, voice.", "location": "Global"} {"rowid": 1003951466, "name": "Slawomir Zagorski", "screen_name": "SlawomirZagorsk", "description": "", "location": ""} {"rowid": 945284660, "name": "Susan Athey", "screen_name": "Susan_Athey", "description": "Economist", "location": "Stanford, CA"} {"rowid": 915830820, "name": "Veikko Vuorikoski", "screen_name": "VVuorikoski", "description": "", "location": ""} {"rowid": 908496738, "name": "Deepa Fernandes", "screen_name": "deepafern", "description": "Journalist, global & local, @kcrw @TheWorld. Fellow at Pacific Oaks College. I report about women, kids, migrants, the environment. Alum @jskstanford @IWMF.", "location": "California, USA"} {"rowid": 860166914, "name": "Tandemvines Media", "screen_name": "Tandemvines", "description": "Denise Clifton develops stories & writes for organizations like @projectfeast & @alaskaair. Always exploring stories behind food. (Book: Tables From The Rubble)", "location": "Seattle"} {"rowid": 847882850, "name": "Nicole Foy", "screen_name": "nicoleMfoy", "description": "Investigative reporter @IdahoStatesman & @JSKStanford fellow covering Latinos, agriculture & shady government. Formerly @TheIdahoPress & @TheLatinoCard", "location": "Boise, ID"} {"rowid": 827983208, "name": "Ben Kreimer", "screen_name": "benkreimer", "description": "Technologist working w/360\u00b0 video, VR, photogrammetry & drones. @journalism_360 ambassador. Formerly BuzzFeed Open Lab Beta Fellow. @ForbesUnder30 Media Honoree", "location": "The World"} {"rowid": 798978222, "name": "Alvin Bessent", "screen_name": "alvin_bessent", "description": "newsday editorial writer and columnist", "location": ""} {"rowid": 778895864, "name": "Rachel Dissell", "screen_name": "RachelDissell", "description": "Journalist. Former Plain Dealer reporter. Mama bear. Public records are my jam. Current @JSKstanford fellow. Send tips to rldissell@gmail.com", "location": "Cleveland, Oh"} {"rowid": 776601864, "name": "Natasha Zouves", "screen_name": "NatashaZouves", "description": "Personal account of ABC7 anchor, journalist and proud Bay Area native! Serious about french fries and USC Trojans \u270c On Instagram @natashazouves", "location": ""} {"rowid": 749768262, "name": "Akoto Ofori-Atta", "screen_name": "KO_616", "description": "managing editor @teamtrace. @jskstanford 2014-2015/for life. BK/NJ/Ghana.", "location": "Brooklyn, NY"} {"rowid": 627476459, "name": "Alina Fichter", "screen_name": "fichtalina", "description": "Head of Digital Format Development at @DeutscheWelle, Advisory Board @Newsguardrating. \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffcUser Centric Formats, Digital Transformation, Fighting Disinformation", "location": "Berlin, Deutschland "} {"rowid": 619420043, "name": "Joel Gutierrez", "screen_name": "JoelGutierrezG", "description": "Periodista nicarag\u00fcense, Knight Fellow de la Universidad de Stanford", "location": "Nicaragua"} {"rowid": 607245696, "name": "The Brown Institute", "screen_name": "BrownInstitute", "description": "The David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation. A joint endeavor of Columbia and Stanford Universities for shaping the future of media.", "location": "New York City and Stanford"} {"rowid": 593247967, "name": "Bob Minzesheimer", "screen_name": "bookbobminz", "description": "Book reviewer & reporter; former library board president, Nat. Book Critics Circle executive board, second baseman. Email: bookbobminz@yahoo.com", "location": "Cheever Country, N.Y. "} {"rowid": 588357987, "name": "mariam semaan", "screen_name": "semaanmariam", "description": "#Knight #Fellow 2012/13 #Stanford #University #DesignThinking#Media expert #Designer of #Experiences #vintage clothes and accessories #collector", "location": ""} {"rowid": 577618330, "name": "Karen de Sa", "screen_name": "KarendeSa1", "description": "an investigative reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle", "location": "San Francisco, CA"} {"rowid": 573764891, "name": "Brooke Gladstone", "screen_name": "OTMBrooke", "description": "Co-Host, Editor of WNYC's On the Media, author of \"The Influencing Machine\" and \"The Trouble with Reality: A Rumination on Moral Panic\" and so on.", "location": "Brooklyn, New York"} {"rowid": 570836067, "name": "AfricanNewsChallenge", "screen_name": "AfNewsChallenge", "description": "Africa's largest innovation fund for data journalism, newsroom experimentation, digital adaption and media tech start-ups.", "location": ""} {"rowid": 556757858, "name": "Arif Elsaui", "screen_name": "ArifElsau", "description": "journalist -media consultant-freelancer -kenya \\Nairobi", "location": "Kenya-Nairobi"} {"rowid": 555484188, "name": "Elizabeth Dalziel", "screen_name": "edalziel", "description": "photographer specializing in everything", "location": "London"} {"rowid": 537162951, "name": "Linda Gradstein", "screen_name": "lindagradstein", "description": "Bureau Chief, The Media Line News Agency", "location": "Jerusalem"} {"rowid": 531407250, "name": "Andrew Zajac", "screen_name": "andrewzajac1", "description": "Legal reporter for Bloomberg News", "location": "Washington DC"} {"rowid": 520989810, "name": "Divine Dube", "screen_name": "village_scribe", "description": "Local news #innovation geek. @JSKstanford Alum", "location": "California, USA"} {"rowid": 516794788, "name": "Bryan Pollard", "screen_name": "cherokee_editor", "description": "associate director, @najournalists; former JSK Fellow, @jskstanford; former exec editor, @CherokeePhoenix; founder @streetroots, board member, @highcountrynews", "location": "Fayetteville, AR"} {"rowid": 500219903, "name": "Compu Reporting", "screen_name": "CReporting", "description": "Computational Reporting. All about Data Mining", "location": "US"} {"rowid": 463481376, "name": "Sally Lehrman", "screen_name": "bestwrit", "description": "Award-winning science journalist and educator who specializes in identity, race relations and gender. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Senior Fellow.", "location": "SF Bay Area"} {"rowid": 454099919, "name": "Michael McFaul", "screen_name": "McFaul", "description": "Professor. http://michaelmcfaul.com/", "location": "Stanford, California"} {"rowid": 453900651, "name": "Newton Kanhema", "screen_name": "kanhema", "description": "Journo | Father | Serving Humanity @UNICNAIROBI | Views are mine | With low handicap\ud83c\udfcc\ud83c\udffe | RTs not Endorsements", "location": "Nairobi, Kenya"} {"rowid": 437729436, "name": "Susan Ferriss", "screen_name": "susanferriss", "description": "Reporter, immigration editor @publicintegrity The Fight in the Fields co-author, former Mexico-based news correspondent. Welcome tips.", "location": "Washington, D.C."} {"rowid": 430250670, "name": "Francis Fukuyama", "screen_name": "FukuyamaFrancis", "description": "Senior Fellow at Stanford's Freeman Spogli Institute, and Mosbacher Director, @StanfordCDDRL Instagram: francis.fukuyama", "location": "Stanford, CA"} {"rowid": 426400682, "name": "FOIA Machine", "screen_name": "FOIAMachine", "description": "A platform for journalists and citizens to prepare, file and track public record requests.", "location": "Coast to Coast"} {"rowid": 423733810, "name": "Klaus Weinmaier", "screen_name": "weinmaier", "description": "Digital Strategy & UserCentered Product Innovation, Founder http://TheEngagementLab.com; COO @tonioapp; Co-founder @derStandardat; Knight Affiliate '12 @JSKstanford", "location": "New York, USA"} {"rowid": 423511427, "name": "John Daley", "screen_name": "CODaleyNews", "description": "Multi-media journalist, covering health news for Colorado Public Radio, aka CPRNews A link or retweet does not = endorsement.", "location": "USA"} {"rowid": 421725730, "name": "Michael Rain", "screen_name": "michaeljrain", "description": "Digital Storyteller & Speaker // Founder @ENODI_ // @TEDtalks Speaker & Resident // Fellow @JSKstanford @TowKnightCenter // @Columbia alum \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udded", "location": "Palo Alto, CA"} {"rowid": 418837047, "name": "Matter.", "screen_name": "mattervc", "description": "Building innovators. Coaching, consulting & training for executives and entrepreneurs. Also managing 74 investments from 8 accelerator cohorts from 2012-2018.", "location": "San Francisco & New York City"} {"rowid": 413566066, "name": "Mickey Osterreicher", "screen_name": "nppalawyer", "description": "General Counsel for the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) advocating for and defending the rights of all visual journalists", "location": "Buffalo, NY"} {"rowid": 406632310, "name": "Alan Zarembo", "screen_name": "AlanZarembo", "description": "Editor @latimes of foreign and national stories. Former correspondent in Africa and Latin America.", "location": "Los Angeles"}