18454770 |
DonLDay |
🔅Don Day |
http://BoiseDev.com publisher covering the story of Idaho’s future. @JSKstanford Fellow. Spent 18 years in traditional media, now reinventing local news. |
Boise, ID |
http://linkedin.com/in/donday |
0 |
7036 |
1106 |
247 |
2008-12-29T17:56:56+00:00 |
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8119452 |
dansinker |
💀 damned sinker 💀 |
I did http://impeachment.fyi. Co-host of @sayswhopodcast, formerly @opennews, author of @MayorEmanuel, founder of Punk Planet (RIP), #1 Candle King of Kickstarter |
Chicago, IL |
http://dansinker.com |
0 |
28430 |
4171 |
1259 |
2007-08-11T05:51:44+00:00 |
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14305753 |
jczamora |
𝙟𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙯𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙖 |
• Comms. @UniNoticias. // @JSKstanford Fellow. Prof. @univmiami. Former @knightfdn @el_Periodico @UFMedu Law @UniofOxford MediaLaw @UTAustin MPA. OAS Scholar. |
Miami, FL |
http://www.linkedin.com/in/josecarloszamora |
0 |
7902 |
3740 |
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2008-04-04T20:04:23+00:00 |
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2373280040 |
HiromiSHorie |
堀江広美 |
Bloomberg News東京支局記者・編集者/JBN Finance&Credit TL/ライブニュースブログPM/フルブライトジャーナリスト/スタンフォード大学元フェロー/TEDxFulbright Tokyo Speaker/ヨガRYT500/ Hiromi Saimu Horie. ツイートは個人の見解 |
https://www.bloomberg.com/authors/ADBE0_r0e2w/hiromi-horie |
0 |
1602 |
1012 |
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2014-03-05T06:33:39+00:00 |
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110905920 |
wjchat |
wjchat |
#wjchat is a chat for web journalists on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. PT. We talk about all things content, technology, ethics, & business of journalism on the web. |
Everywhere you are |
http://wjchat.com |
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8759 |
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2010-02-03T04:38:38+00:00 |
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who_blgw2017 |
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7809252 |
WendyNorris |
wendy norris |
Asst Prof @NazarethCollege exploring socially intelligent computing in humanitarian crisis response | @JSKStanford + @cuinfoscience alum | @PeaceCorps Vanuatu |
Rochester, NY |
http://wendynorris.com |
0 |
3121 |
4151 |
248 |
2007-07-30T03:13:25+00:00 |
1292 |
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8547 |
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544D4A |
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watsonmeng |
watson ,meng |
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2010-06-20T03:08:34+00:00 |
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24808107 |
terukuwayama |
teru kuwayama |
Seeker. Ex-IG/FB, JSK Fellow at Stanford, Ochberg Fellow at Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, Senior TED Fellow, Hoover Institution media fellow. |
http://www.about.me/terukuwayama |
0 |
2423 |
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136 |
2009-03-17T00:48:13+00:00 |
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39592148 |
stevensdudley |
steven dudley |
Co-director of InSight Crime, longtime crime & public security reporter; author of MS-13: The Making of America's Most Notorious Gang (HarperCollins, 2020). |
http://www.stevendudley.com |
0 |
5347 |
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2009-05-12T20:48:53+00:00 |
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14173930 |
s_m_i |
stacy-marie ishmael |
Trinidadian-at-large. Header by Alex Smailes; headshot by Kevin Abosch. She/her/they/them. My superpower is I read to the end. |
0 |
40331 |
9836 |
1022 |
2008-03-19T01:40:02+00:00 |
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970E22 |
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202025534 |
siliconsassy |
silicon sassy |
Irreverant commentary on the latest tech news, from the heart of Silicon Valley |
Silicon Valley, USA |
0 |
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2010-10-13T04:01:45+00:00 |
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19528008 |
skuzn |
sergey kuznetsov |
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2009-01-26T10:35:31+00:00 |
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16613227 |
nunovargas |
nunovargas |
Media, Product, Digital Strategy, Design Thinking & Tech. Ever in love with futebol, food and my family. Knight Fellow @Stanford'13 & invented @getdatastory |
Latin America + Porto,Portugal |
http://www.linkedin.com/in/vargasnuno/ |
0 |
2277 |
2674 |
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2008-10-06T12:54:28+00:00 |
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112814782 |
mediaXStanford |
mediaX at Stanford |
Connecting businesses with Stanford University’s world-renowned faculty to study new ways for people and technology to intersect. |
Stanford, CA |
http://mediax.stanford.edu |
0 |
2157 |
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2010-02-09T20:06:32+00:00 |
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18862139 |
maureenfan |
maureenfan |
Researching a family memoir about my grandfather's legacy and a long-lost aunt. Former Knight Fellow, ex-WashPost Beijing correspondent. RT ≠ endorsement. |
San Francisco Bay Area |
http://www.maureenfan.com |
0 |
1455 |
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108 |
2009-01-11T09:26:43+00:00 |
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241747214 |
matisu19 |
matilde suescun |
Woman - Latina - Sin pelos en la lengua - Bloguera - Spanglish - JSK Knight Fellow @Stanford |
Miami, FL |
http://mujerconojosabiertos.com/ |
0 |
341 |
519 |
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2011-01-23T01:47:54+00:00 |
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588357987 |
semaanmariam |
mariam semaan |
#Knight #Fellow 2012/13 #Stanford #University #DesignThinking#Media expert #Designer of #Experiences #vintage clothes and accessories #collector |
1 |
207 |
219 |
16 |
2012-05-23T13:11:28+00:00 |
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97459086 |
magiccia |
mago torres |
journalist, researcher • @JSKstanford fellow 2017-2018 • happily sharing a Pulitzer with 370+ journalists #PanamaPapers • amable damisela. |
http://www.magotorres.net/ |
0 |
3081 |
2534 |
108 |
2009-12-17T14:59:49+00:00 |
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14908497 |
luzmaria |
luzmariahelguero |
Periodista, poeta, activista y deportista de remo. Fiel creyente en la democracia y la responsabilidad ciudadana. |
Peru |
0 |
851 |
670 |
12 |
2008-05-26T12:33:00+00:00 |
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2317636063 |
osetinskayaliza |
liza osetinskaya |
Russian journalist, editor, media manager. interested in Russian politics, digital media, perfect journalism. Stanford Jsk knight fellow 2017 |
Palo Alto, CA |
0 |
3368 |
229 |
51 |
2014-01-29T18:50:40+00:00 |
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34687443 |
kristianiaclark |
krissy clark |
Host/co-creator: The Uncertain Hour podcast @Marketplace
Stories: @reveal @99piorg @PopUpMag @slate
Past @JSKstanford fellow
🌖ing at http://storieseverywherere.org |
los angeles |
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-uncertain-hour/id1091031079?mt=2 |
0 |
3758 |
2147 |
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2009-04-23T18:28:03+00:00 |
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14426743 |
jrbettinger |
jrbettinger |
Director Emeritus, @jskstanford/John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships/Helping Knight Fellows predict journalism's future by inventing it |
Palo Alto, CA |
http://jsk.stanford.edu/about/previous-directors/ |
0 |
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239 |
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2008-04-17T22:37:47+00:00 |
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13371202 |
jtemplejrnalist |
john temple |
Chairman and Co-founder, Amuse Labs |
San Francisco, CA |
https://amuselabs.com/ |
0 |
3168 |
559 |
276 |
2008-02-12T01:13:01+00:00 |
5725 |
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86097492 |
armaoj |
jo-ann armao |
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2009-10-29T15:52:11+00:00 |
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3177360083 |
JimmyGootz |
jimmy gutierrez |
filling Milwaukee's info gaps w #News414 | @JSKstanford community impact fellow | former hit maker @NHPR | jv baller | he/him |
Milwaukee |
0 |
667 |
913 |
24 |
2015-04-17T17:03:51+00:00 |
9426 |
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ABB8C2 |
000000 |
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18149456 |
jerrylarge |
jerrylarge |
Seattle Times columnist. jlarge@seattletimes.com, Column interests: education, inequality, science and technology and interesting people. |
Seattle, WA |
0 |
1349 |
604 |
54 |
2008-12-15T23:00:06+00:00 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
1193 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
333333 |
1 |
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0 |
0 |
none |
14370540 |
jeremyhay |
jeremyhay |
Journalist, entrepreneur, JSK Stanford fellow '15 |
California, USA |
http://www.jeremyhay.com |
0 |
897 |
853 |
43 |
2008-04-12T19:21:05+00:00 |
378 |
1 |
0 |
1004 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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1 |
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0 |
0 |
none |
19086064 |
janinezacharia |
janinezacharia |
Ex-WashPost Jerusalem/Mideast correspondent. Now teaching journalism at Stanford, writing on tech/national security, international affairs, media. |
Stanford |
http://janinezacharia.net |
0 |
4087 |
3215 |
206 |
2009-01-16T21:18:26+00:00 |
3644 |
0 |
0 |
23220 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
000000 |
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1B95E0 |
000000 |
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none |
230336117 |
janegross |
jane gross |
Recovering New York Times journalist. Founder New Old Age blog. Author of A Bittersweet Season (Knopf/Vintage) Lecturer. |
new york city |
https://twitter.com/janegross |
0 |
581 |
218 |
47 |
2010-12-25T03:04:16+00:00 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
409 |
0 |
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990000 |
333333 |
1 |
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none |
21165536 |
jamestareddy |
james t. areddy |
jta |
formerly Shanghai |
http://www.suburbaphobia.com |
0 |
2840 |
110 |
165 |
2009-02-18T03:38:23+00:00 |
6 |
0 |
1 |
775 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
131516 |
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008799 |
333333 |
1 |
0 |
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0 |
0 |
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0 |
none |
31150056 |
izamoi |
izabela moi |
journalist. jornalista. journaliste. periodista. giornalista. |
0 |
312 |
149 |
20 |
2009-04-14T15:43:48+00:00 |
43 |
0 |
0 |
14 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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93A644 |
333333 |
1 |
1 |
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0 |
none |
163422349 |
indayevarona |
inday espina varona |
journalist. gadabout. scarred cat. I stand by my tweets. |
Philippines |
http://indayvarona.wordpress.com/ |
0 |
31343 |
2082 |
179 |
2010-07-06T11:18:02+00:00 |
21542 |
0 |
1 |
123690 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
8B542B |
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9D582E |
333333 |
1 |
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none |
16141134 |
hrvenkatesh |
hrv |
Journalist with @boomlive_in | Focusing on a 'vaccine' against 'fake news', half-truths, propaganda, lies via media literacy #MediaBuddhi | @jskstanford alum |
Stanford, Delhi, NYC, Oxford |
http://mediabuddhi.substack.com/ |
0 |
3938 |
2234 |
111 |
2008-09-05T06:14:38+00:00 |
1802 |
1 |
1 |
8131 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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3B94D9 |
333333 |
1 |
1 |
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21783956 |
garyjmarx |
gary marx |
Chicago Tribune investigative reporter. |
Chicago |
http://trib.in/2aLM20k |
0 |
2139 |
681 |
94 |
2009-02-24T19:09:20+00:00 |
39 |
0 |
0 |
370 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
333333 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
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0 |
none |
14743741 |
federicabianchi |
federica bianchi |
A European storyteller fascinated by International Affairs and economic trends |
Rome |
0 |
1030 |
848 |
35 |
2008-05-12T13:18:08+00:00 |
3449 |
1 |
0 |
7712 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
642D8B |
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FF0000 |
3D1957 |
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48193439 |
drigarcia |
drigarcia |
Journalism, Creativity, Innovation. Teaching Fellow at Google News Initiative. Co-founder of Orbital Midia. @jskstanford 12'/13' |
São Paulo, Brasil |
http://about.me/adrianagarciamartinez |
1 |
511 |
790 |
44 |
2009-06-18T01:20:51+00:00 |
2100 |
0 |
0 |
3142 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
000000 |
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94D487 |
000000 |
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none |
62611102 |
dpinheiro_press |
daniela pinheiro |
journalist/ MCC @NOVAunl/@risj_oxford fellow 2020/@JSKstanford fellow 2016 |
Lisboa, Portugal |
0 |
5379 |
1103 |
95 |
2009-08-03T20:18:31+00:00 |
4507 |
1 |
1 |
7006 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
333333 |
1 |
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none |
16829823 |
cephillips |
cephillips |
Data journalism lecturer @ Stanford & former data innovation editor @seattletimes + longtime member of Investigative Reporters & Editors, Founder @biglocalnews |
Palo Alto, CA |
https://biglocalnews.org |
0 |
3583 |
2260 |
323 |
2008-10-17T19:44:44+00:00 |
12650 |
1 |
0 |
11813 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
022330 |
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ABB8C2 |
663B12 |
1 |
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none |
17768092 |
carolafuentes |
carola fuentes |
Periodista, documentalista y socia de @laventanacine. Nuestro propósito: investigar, producir y difundir contenidos que generen impacto positivo en la audiencia |
chile |
http://www.laventanacine.com |
0 |
90026 |
1275 |
1048 |
2008-12-01T01:35:13+00:00 |
1291 |
0 |
0 |
29962 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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FF0000 |
530C3B |
1 |
0 |
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0 |
0 |
none |
17511846 |
cmdelaserna |
carlosmartinezserna |
Program Director @pressfreedom Journalism & human rights |
New York, NY |
0 |
2014 |
643 |
149 |
2008-11-20T14:23:06+00:00 |
7399 |
1 |
0 |
14960 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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5384CF |
333333 |
1 |
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none |
20632365 |
broessner |
barbara roessner |
0 |
20 |
1 |
1 |
2009-02-11T21:54:11+00:00 |
0 |
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0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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0 |
none |
27921386 |
aschirtz |
alexa schirtzinger |
product marketing @box | former @google @salesforce @JSKStanford @columbiajourn | usual disclaimers |
San Francisco |
0 |
2427 |
2073 |
0 |
2009-03-31T17:46:59+00:00 |
621 |
1 |
0 |
3872 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
A2C1E0 |
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1 |
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3B94D9 |
333333 |
1 |
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none |
31303305 |
agnescusack |
agnes cusack |
Journalist |
Melbourne |
http://www.newaustraliamedia.org |
0 |
108 |
508 |
4 |
2009-04-15T01:57:51+00:00 |
45 |
1 |
0 |
14 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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180388029 |
iamlaggr |
agg |
@spaceship_media problem solver. journalist. designer. lover of high x-heights. favorite color: CMYK. JSK ‘17 |
Space |
0 |
334 |
759 |
27 |
2010-08-19T14:25:49+00:00 |
2824 |
1 |
0 |
4207 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
352726 |
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D02B55 |
3E4415 |
1 |
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none |
17272464 |
aaronhuey |
aaronhuey |
Aaron Huey is a National Geographic photographer, a Stanford http://d.School Global Ambassador, and the father of Hawkeye and Juno. |
Seattle |
http://www.aaronhuey.com |
0 |
3683 |
326 |
149 |
2008-11-09T19:11:32+00:00 |
317 |
0 |
0 |
410 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
709397 |
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FF3300 |
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14602589 |
aaja |
aaja |
Diversity in news industry & news coverage | Innovation, leadership & training | #AAJAfamily & #AAJAkudos | Virtual #AAJA20: August 9-15, 2020! http://www.aaja20.org |
http://www.aaja.org |
0 |
18953 |
4246 |
558 |
2008-04-30T16:55:16+00:00 |
4454 |
1 |
1 |
12224 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
E81C4F |
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E81C4F |
333333 |
1 |
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20188770 |
gannonbill |
\ |
Tweets are my own |
1 |
454 |
3 |
41 |
2009-02-05T21:11:25+00:00 |
212 |
0 |
0 |
800 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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038543 |
333333 |
1 |
0 |
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0 |
none |
14699813 |
zena_b |
Zena Barakat |
Design director @ideo |
San Francisco, CA |
0 |
2996 |
2458 |
114 |
2008-05-08T12:55:09+00:00 |
964 |
0 |
1 |
1711 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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0 |
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1DA1F2 |
333333 |
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0 |
none |
19138916 |
zebakhan |
Zeba Khan |
Librarian's daughter | Caregiver (again) | Race, religion, identity politics | Fellow @JSKstanford | former @theopedproject | she/her |
Palo Alto, CA |
0 |
4140 |
976 |
100 |
2009-01-18T07:16:21+00:00 |
5001 |
1 |
0 |
8951 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/19138916/1494855671 |
038543 |
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none |
17526481 |
YvonneLeow |
Yvonne Leow |
building @bewildercamp ⛺we're currently looking for beta campers! let us plan your next camping trip. |
San Francisco, CA |
http://www.yvonneleow.com |
0 |
3655 |
601 |
302 |
2008-11-21T00:08:02+00:00 |
6597 |
1 |
0 |
9055 |
0 |
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0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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750919846330793984 |
YooHeeHong0916 |
YooHee Hong |
San Francisco, CA |
http://ww.linkedin.com/in/yoohee-hong-6136b856 |
0 |
72 |
416 |
3 |
2016-07-07T05:10:17+00:00 |
27 |
0 |
0 |
110 |
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000000 |
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7FDBB6 |
000000 |
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63027773 |
wlievano |
Wilson Lievano |
Senior Digital Editor @GroundTruth. News animator. Knight Fellow. Explaining the world one keyframe at a time. |
Boston, MA |
http://www.animatedpress.com |
0 |
514 |
364 |
34 |
2009-08-05T04:08:38+00:00 |
75 |
1 |
1 |
165 |
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284593852 |
wemcn |
William McNulty |
Santa Cruz CA |
0 |
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2011-04-19T15:40:58+00:00 |
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57621331 |
watchup |
Watchup |
Unleash the power of video journalism. On iOS, Android, Amazon Fire & Wii U |
Menlo Park, California |
http://watchup.com |
0 |
2329 |
443 |
133 |
2009-07-17T11:43:04+00:00 |
1059 |
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6634 |
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315834402 |
wanjasnotebook |
Wanja Njuguna |
Mother, writer, editor, journalism/communication lecturer, human rights defende. Loves reading voraciously, mentoring, birding, environment, fun. I hate liers! |
The World |
http://wanjasnotebook.blogspot.com |
1 |
123 |
527 |
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2011-06-12T14:35:11+00:00 |
126 |
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203154161 |
WalterVRobinson |
Walter V Robinson |
Editor at large @BostonGlobe. Edith Kinney Gaylord Visiting Professor in Investigative Journalism, Cronkite School of Journalism, Arizona State University. |
Boston |
http://www.bostonglobe.com/staff/robinson |
0 |
6918 |
488 |
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2010-10-15T17:07:53+00:00 |
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3140544572 |
askwalterai |
Walter |
Building a two-way conversation between audiences and the news. What do you want to know? #AskWalter |
Palo Alto, CA |
http://www.waltervoice.com |
0 |
28 |
32 |
1 |
2015-04-05T16:51:48+00:00 |
3 |
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103661473 |
voicebox_media |
VoiceBox Media |
VoiceBox is an eclectic public radio and podcast series about the voice.
Tune in on Fridays at 10PM on 91.7 FM KALW.
Listen live at http://www.kalw.org/ |
San Francisco |
http://voicebox-media.org |
0 |
151 |
105 |
12 |
2010-01-10T20:42:36+00:00 |
0 |
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59112161 |
violetgonda |
Violet Gonda |
Journalist/Hot Seat interviews/ 1stTV/Moderator of Debates/ Zim/ UK/
President: International Association of Women in Radio and TV - IAWRT/ Serena 💕 Nadal |
UK/Zimbabwe |
http://www.violetgonda.com |
0 |
59714 |
2148 |
131 |
2009-07-22T12:29:44+00:00 |
9253 |
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16672162 |
vxflores |
Veronica Flores-Paniagua |
External Affairs Advisor @Chevron, ex-journo, #energy & #education policy junkie; @UHouston-ex; #runner; 2000 @JSKStanford fellow. RT ≠ endorsement |
iPhone: 29.463654,-98.473572 |
http://www.chevron.com |
0 |
3951 |
3542 |
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2008-10-09T19:37:34+00:00 |
4810 |
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275541233 |
vvchambers |
Veronica Chambers |
Editor, Narrative Projects @nytimes, author, Shirley Chisholm Is a Verb, 32 Yolks w/ @ericripert, @JSKStanford alum. I'm not a player but I create a lot. |
New York |
http://veronicachambers.com |
0 |
7840 |
3227 |
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2011-04-01T13:51:48+00:00 |
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2359858477 |
VzlaDecoded |
Venezuela Decoded |
News about Venezuela´s crisis. |
http://www.venezueladecoded.com |
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2014-02-24T18:04:10+00:00 |
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915830820 |
VVuorikoski |
Veikko Vuorikoski |
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2012-10-31T00:53:25+00:00 |
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18741571 |
VaughnPalmer |
VaughnPalmer |
Vancouver Sun's provincial affairs political columnist, based in Victoria. |
Victoria |
http://www.vancouversun.com/columnists/Vaughn_Palmer.html |
0 |
30532 |
382 |
659 |
2009-01-07T22:17:43+00:00 |
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14715942 |
ub14 |
Umbreen Bhatti |
Director of @barnard_athena || Fmr Director of @KQED's innovation lab, @JSKStanford fellow, and lawyer. Tweets 100% mine. |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/umbreenbhatti |
0 |
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1754 |
112 |
2008-05-09T17:44:15+00:00 |
12315 |
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376690985 |
UlrikHaagerup |
Ulrik Haagerup |
Founder and CEO of Constructive Institute. Former Executive Director of DR News and editor-in-chief - but always a journalist. Let's Make Journalism Great Again |
Aarhus, Denmark |
http://www.constructiveinstitute.org |
0 |
10349 |
443 |
172 |
2011-09-20T10:14:47+00:00 |
400 |
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1168982911 |
TunjiLardner |
Tunji Lardner |
0 |
13878 |
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2013-02-11T13:55:22+00:00 |
3446 |
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124913 |
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2230646461 |
TNNEnglish |
Tribal News Network |
Providing Local News to the Tribal Areas of Pakistan |
https://www.tnn.com.pk |
0 |
5118 |
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122 |
2013-12-04T23:53:56+00:00 |
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42626 |
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14947379 |
tranosaurus |
Tran Ha |
Easy problems are no fun // On a break from Twitter // Find me on IG // Frmr: @stanforddschool @jskstanford @redeyechicago |
Chicago |
0 |
2472 |
1260 |
161 |
2008-05-29T19:50:13+00:00 |
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14381600 |
TMPowell |
Tracie Powell |
Connector. Change maker. Founder. Passionate about all things digital & media. Program Officer, Borealis Philanthropy & 2016 JSK Fellow. RT ≠ endorsement |
Washington, DC |
http://www.alldigitocracy.org |
0 |
3059 |
3330 |
182 |
2008-04-14T05:29:35+00:00 |
5550 |
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253711352 |
otorsten |
Torsten Kjellstrand |
Torsten is a staff photographer at The Oregonian, where he makes photographs and videos. He likes snow more than rain. |
Portland, Oregon, USA |
http://oregonlive.com |
0 |
104 |
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2011-02-17T20:26:16+00:00 |
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15035816 |
TomokoHosaka |
Tomoko Hosaka Mullaney |
Japan VP @TheAsiaGroup | @AAJA Media Institute co-director | @Northwestern @waseda_univ alum | Past: @AP @DowJones @Plympton & Ustream | Journalist at heart |
Washington DC |
0 |
14359 |
3590 |
1137 |
2008-06-07T04:52:02+00:00 |
1155 |
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20846696 |
tomekdep |
Tomasz Deptula |
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2009-02-14T13:27:41+00:00 |
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6423572 |
tomvandeweghe |
Tom Van de Weghe |
#AI strategist @VRT & #deepfakes expert | Research Fellow @Stanford | Investigative journalist | former Correspondent & Bureau Chief 🇺🇸&🇨🇳 | Author+Speaker |
Stanford, CA |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomvandeweghe |
0 |
26058 |
913 |
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2007-05-29T20:01:06+00:00 |
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17270262 |
thamburger |
Tom Hamburger |
Reporter for The Washington Post covering the intersection of money and politics. tom.hamburger@washpost.com |
Washington, D.C. |
http://www.washingtonpost.com/tom-hamburger/2012/03/05/gIQABXKfTS_page.html |
0 |
31856 |
992 |
607 |
2008-11-09T16:20:46+00:00 |
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088253 |
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19244373 |
tgdavidson |
Tom Davidson |
Attempting to invent the future of media without blowing up Beeker in the process. Opinions here are mine, not those of employers past, present or future. |
SEVa, Tysons Corner, and I-95 |
http://tgdavidson.com |
0 |
845 |
758 |
79 |
2009-01-20T16:47:45+00:00 |
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1581899310 |
kelleybros |
Tom & David Kelley |
Brothers + authors of Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential within Us All. On shelves now! |
California |
http://creativeconfidence.com |
0 |
23032 |
1148 |
609 |
2013-07-10T01:46:05+00:00 |
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47898401 |
titusplattner |
Titus Plattner |
Innovation projects & investigative reporter @Tamedia l @JSKstanford 18' l @ICIJorg Network Committee l Board of Swiss FOIA I coauthor @LaPremiereVague |
Lausanne, Suisse |
https://keybase.io/titus |
0 |
2150 |
1583 |
0 |
2009-06-17T08:26:57+00:00 |
783 |
1 |
0 |
7033 |
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709397 |
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23898238 |
tseelig |
Tina Seelig |
Knight-Hennessy Scholars, Stanford Technology Ventures Program @Stanford. Author: Creativity Rules, inGenius, What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 |
Palo Alto, CA |
http://tinaseelig.com |
0 |
32301 |
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14769899 |
TimJohnson4 |
TimJohnson |
Former cybersecurity reporter at @McClatchyDC, frmr correspondent in Mexico, China. Part of 2017 Pulitzer Prize-winning team on Panama Papers |
Washington, DC |
http://www.mcclatchydc.com |
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2008-05-14T06:13:22+00:00 |
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timreganporter |
Tim Regan-Porter |
"Make awesome stuff & be kind while doing it." CEO, Colorado Press Association. Prev: @jskstanford, @mercerccj, @PasteMagazine, @IBM, @McClatchy |
0 |
16335 |
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2008-03-08T23:59:14+00:00 |
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101255581 |
theoestein |
Theo Stein |
Cranky Yankee besotted by the West. |
Lafayette, Colo. |
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2010-01-02T16:13:01+00:00 |
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904064391112306688 |
_trustproject |
The Trust Project |
The Trust Project is an international consortium of news organizations collaborating to use transparency to build a more trustworthy and trusted press. |
Santa Clara, CA |
http://thetrustproject.org |
0 |
3287 |
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2017-09-02T19:32:02+00:00 |
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25427470 |
StanfordDaily |
The Stanford Daily |
Independent student newspaper serving Stanford and surrounding cities since 1892.
RTs / likes don't imply endorsement |
Stanford, CA |
http://www.stanforddaily.com |
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2009-03-20T01:15:08+00:00 |
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1246512684 |
newstapes |
The Newstapes |
News you need for the time you have. One story per day, in 3 links, depending on how much time you have. (A project by @M_C_B, Knight fellow '13) |
San Francisco, CA |
http://www.newstap.es |
0 |
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2013-03-06T16:55:45+00:00 |
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607245696 |
BrownInstitute |
The Brown Institute |
The David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation. A joint endeavor of Columbia and Stanford Universities for shaping the future of media. |
New York City and Stanford |
http://browninstitute.org |
0 |
3827 |
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2012-06-13T12:21:42+00:00 |
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thebell_io |
The Bell |
🔔The most important politics and business stories from Russia. Sign-up for our weekly email newsletter: http://thebell.io/en/ |
https://thebell.io/en/ |
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141222005 |
TereBouza |
Teresa Bouza |
Innovation, Media, Tech || Knight Fellow '12 @Stanford || Columbia J-School '04 || 2012 IWMF grantee || Co-author of "A Sense of Something Greater" (Sept. 2018) |
Silicon Valley |
http://goo.gl/UCfsJc |
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1026 |
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2010-05-07T13:49:50+00:00 |
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168580629 |
tayyebafridi |
Tayyeb Afridi |
Journalist| Radio & Online | Media Development | @JSKStanford |ICFJ 11 | RT≠Endorsement. |
Peshawar, Pakistan |
https://www.tnn.com.pk |
0 |
877 |
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2010-07-20T08:13:42+00:00 |
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860166914 |
Tandemvines |
Tandemvines Media |
Denise Clifton develops stories & writes for organizations like @projectfeast & @alaskaair. Always exploring stories behind food. (Book: Tables From The Rubble) |
Seattle |
https://www.tandemvines.com/ |
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2012-10-03T18:46:41+00:00 |
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264340567 |
txtianmiller |
T. Christian Miller |
Senior investigative reporter @Propublica. Co-author of http://afalsereport.com. Into journalism that counts. And bacon. Pulitzer winner. |
Berkeley, CA |
http://www.propublica.org |
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8847 |
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2011-03-11T19:00:34+00:00 |
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22455550 |
TonyaMosley |
T O N Y A |
Host of @NPR’s @Hereandnow & @TruthBeToldKQED @JSKStanford fellow @mizzou mafia. Made in Detroit. she/her. #deartbt |
Los Angeles, CA |
0 |
9402 |
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2009-03-02T05:31:47+00:00 |
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209407086 |
sylvestermonroe |
Sylvester Monroe |
Europe and South Asia Editor for the Washington Post |
Washington, DC |
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2010-10-29T03:50:44+00:00 |
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14145296 |
susie_c |
Susie Cagle |
🔍👀💻✍️🎨 / climate, crisis, labor, business, technology, California +++ / susie.cagle@gmail / DMs always open |
Oakland, CA |
http://susiecagle.com |
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2008-03-14T06:12:34+00:00 |
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105381785 |
susrust |
Susanne Rust |
Investigative Reporter @latimes |
California, USA |
http://www.latimes.com/la-bio-susanne-rust-staff.html |
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2012 |
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2010-01-16T05:17:40+00:00 |
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437729436 |
susanferriss |
Susan Ferriss |
Reporter, immigration editor @publicintegrity The Fight in the Fields co-author, former Mexico-based news correspondent. Welcome tips. |
Washington, D.C. |
http://www.publicintegrity.org/ |
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2011-12-15T19:24:06+00:00 |
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945284660 |
Susan_Athey |
Susan Athey |
Economist |
Stanford, CA |
https://athey.people.stanford.edu/ |
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2012-11-13T06:28:52+00:00 |
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225505935 |
subbuvincent |
Subbu |
Despite all the jargon you hear, democratizing journalism and social media are part of the same journey. @jmethics. Book chapter: https://bit.ly/3m1ikb7 |
SF Bay Area, CA |
https://www.scu.edu/ethics/about-the-center/people/subramaniam-vincent/ |
0 |
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2010-12-11T18:51:16+00:00 |
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11579212 |
StevenSternberg |
Steve Sternberg |
Award-winning journalist, ex-U.S. News & World Report + USA Today. #1 Fan of @ClaudiaKalb. |
Washington, DC |
http://usnews.com |
0 |
16434 |
10444 |
737 |
2007-12-27T20:50:28+00:00 |
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