14324734 |
ptrounstine |
Phil Trounstine |
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. |
Aptos, CA |
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Tomasz Deptula |
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21120375 |
inksniffer |
John Duncan |
Head of development at Mad Mobile in Tampa. Doing big interesting things that aren't easy and which require a bunch of smart people to enjoy working together |
Tampa |
http://www.madmobile.com |
0 |
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2009-02-17T19:27:19+00:00 |
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55363786 |
ganglandnews |
Jerry Capeci |
Expert on the American Mafia and organized crime. Award-winning journalist. Gang Land News columnist. Contact Jerry at column02@ganglandnews.com |
New York |
http://ganglandnews.com |
0 |
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63125158 |
GlobeAlexBeam |
Alex Beam |
This is a Twitter bot. The real Alex Beam, distinguished Boston Globe writer and squash enthusiast, is found at @ImAlexBeamYrNot |
Boston, MA |
http://bostonglobe.com/staff/beam |
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2009-08-05T13:02:51+00:00 |
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103661473 |
voicebox_media |
VoiceBox Media |
VoiceBox is an eclectic public radio and podcast series about the voice.
Tune in on Fridays at 10PM on 91.7 FM KALW.
Listen live at http://www.kalw.org/ |
San Francisco |
http://voicebox-media.org |
0 |
151 |
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2010-01-10T20:42:36+00:00 |
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110905920 |
wjchat |
wjchat |
#wjchat is a chat for web journalists on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. PT. We talk about all things content, technology, ethics, & business of journalism on the web. |
Everywhere you are |
http://wjchat.com |
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2010-02-03T04:38:38+00:00 |
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Akaki Gogichaishvili |
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230879206 |
spmurphyboston |
Sean P. Murphy |
Reporter @Boston Globe, Suffolk University journalism professor, regular on the Red Line |
Boston, MA |
http://bostonglobe.com |
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2010-12-27T00:02:17+00:00 |
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286957126 |
Hoshmedia |
Hosh media |
Pakistan's media 2.0. For the youth, by the youth. |
Pakistan |
http://hoshmedia.org |
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2011-04-24T01:44:46+00:00 |
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317226860 |
HearsayNews |
John Duncan |
Browse for news, share everything you find, make yourself useful |
http://hearsay.it |
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2011-06-14T16:33:21+00:00 |
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327761500 |
GoTandemGo |
Denise Clifton |
On the bike: stoker. On the job: visual journalist. Other loves: food stories and books. On those topics, follow me @TandemvinesBook |
Seattle |
http://www.tandemvines.com |
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2011-07-02T03:19:12+00:00 |
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365005868 |
OSBobShaw |
Bob Shaw |
Government/politics editor at the Orlando Sentinel |
Orlando FL |
http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_politics/ |
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2011-08-30T18:14:35+00:00 |
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376400826 |
BShawPP |
Bob Shaw |
@pioneerpress uber-suburb reporter, Woodbury, Cottage Grove, St. Paul. Father of two perfect children, kayaker, X-C skier, creator of bad art and smelly salads |
St. Paul, MN |
http://www.twincities.com/ |
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500219903 |
CReporting |
Compu Reporting |
Computational Reporting. All about Data Mining |
US |
http://computationalreporting.com |
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2012-02-22T22:40:11+00:00 |
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lindagradstein |
Linda Gradstein |
Bureau Chief, The Media Line News Agency |
Jerusalem |
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2012-03-26T09:40:10+00:00 |
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577618330 |
KarendeSa1 |
Karen de Sa |
an investigative reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle |
San Francisco, CA |
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2012-05-12T01:22:24+00:00 |
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Slawomir Zagorski |
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1635237446 |
datafest2013 |
Americas Datafest |
The first hemispheric hackathon on migration in the Americas November 2-3, 2013 || #americasdf || Lead organizer @terebouza |
http://www.americas.datafest.net |
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2013-07-31T11:13:57+00:00 |
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2188851283 |
getdatastory |
DataStory |
Telling stories with all the data you need. Project founded by @nunovargas during JSKnight Fellowship'13 at Stanford. |
California & Portugal |
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2013-11-11T18:45:28+00:00 |
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2230646461 |
TNNEnglish |
Tribal News Network |
Providing Local News to the Tribal Areas of Pakistan |
https://www.tnn.com.pk |
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2013-12-04T23:53:56+00:00 |
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2815077014 |
chrmanning |
Christopher Manning |
Director, @StanfordAILab. Assoc. Director, @StanfordHAI, Prof. CS & Linguistics, @Stanford. 🇦🇺 Do #NLProc. Find out what I'm up to at @stanfordnlp. 👋 |
Palo Alto |
https://nlp.stanford.edu/~manning/ |
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3138103122 |
EPAnow650 |
EPAnow _ |
This is East Palo Alto's Youth Led News and Media Hub .. |
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2015-04-03T23:45:13+00:00 |
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14849874 |
mmcrenson |
Matt Crenson |
Opinions are my own. Facts belong to no one. |
Washington, DC |
0 |
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2008-05-20T23:21:58+00:00 |
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20955208 |
BikeIntel |
BikeIntelligencer |
Lifelong cyclist covering road and mountain biking, transportation, trail access, advocacy. |
Seattle and Santa Cruz CA |
http://bikeintelligencer.com |
0 |
652 |
108 |
60 |
2009-02-16T02:05:16+00:00 |
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22167981 |
craigtimberg |
Craig Timberg |
Longtime WashPost reporter, editor and author now covering technology |
Washington, DC |
https://www.washingtonpost.com/people/craig-timberg/?utm_term=.62c2bd0c02da |
0 |
4923 |
182 |
332 |
2009-02-27T18:02:48+00:00 |
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28292957 |
HuShuli |
HuShuli | 胡舒立 |
《财经》杂志主编 Editor,Caijing |
Beijing |
http://www.caijing.com.cn |
0 |
18545 |
13 |
269 |
2009-04-02T06:11:41+00:00 |
1 |
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22 |
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28293072 |
who_blgw2017 |
who |
Kowloon City District |
0 |
6203 |
0 |
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2009-04-02T06:12:42+00:00 |
1 |
0 |
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1 |
0 |
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0 |
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40381878 |
kimkom |
Kim Komenich |
Mill Valley, CA |
http://kimkom.com |
0 |
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11 |
2009-05-16T01:35:04+00:00 |
1 |
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0 |
62 |
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71545361 |
sforaru |
Paul Radu |
0 |
69 |
19 |
9 |
2009-09-04T14:18:36+00:00 |
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7 |
0 |
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113442154 |
GrazePRTX |
Gregory Graze |
senior PR pro and former journalist helping post-start-up and mature companies in IT, medical tech/health care, water tech, public affairs, and more. |
Dallas, TX |
http://www.grazepr.com |
1 |
39 |
71 |
4 |
2010-02-11T19:38:18+00:00 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
106 |
0 |
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118263124 |
stanfordnlp |
Stanford NLP Group |
Computational Linguistics—Natural Language—Machine Learning—Deep Learning @chrmanning—@jurafsky—@percyliang—@ChrisGPotts—@tatsu_hashimoto at @StanfordAILab |
Stanford, CA, USA |
https://nlp.stanford.edu/ |
0 |
96854 |
98 |
0 |
2010-02-28T03:28:05+00:00 |
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7012 |
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8C1515 |
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253711352 |
otorsten |
Torsten Kjellstrand |
Torsten is a staff photographer at The Oregonian, where he makes photographs and videos. He likes snow more than rain. |
Portland, Oregon, USA |
http://oregonlive.com |
0 |
104 |
5 |
10 |
2011-02-17T20:26:16+00:00 |
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365973699 |
Azmat_Abbas |
Azmat Abbas |
Islamabad |
0 |
73 |
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2011-09-01T10:34:49+00:00 |
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798978222 |
alvin_bessent |
Alvin Bessent |
newsday editorial writer and columnist |
0 |
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2012-09-02T20:23:24+00:00 |
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2478659700 |
BrieflyTV |
Briefly |
Briefly.TV helps TV journalists find amazing stories about our legal system from the lawyers and advocates who know them best. |
Palo Alto, CA |
http://briefly.tv |
0 |
12 |
4 |
1 |
2014-05-05T17:46:41+00:00 |
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18197783 |
lcasimir |
Leslie Casimir |
Freelance journalist |
San Francisco |
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2008-12-17T19:54:56+00:00 |
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19528008 |
skuzn |
sergey kuznetsov |
0 |
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2009-01-26T10:35:31+00:00 |
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41007644 |
MBStannard |
Matthew B. Stannard |
1 |
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140 |
8 |
2009-05-19T00:11:54+00:00 |
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449 |
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9AE4E8 |
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144361718 |
mainulislamkhan |
Mainul Khan |
0 |
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2010-05-16T02:44:34+00:00 |
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1638298657 |
orbitalab |
OrbitalLab |
Organização para reunir quem tem projetos de mídia e quer tirá-los do papel. Um espaço para pensar, elaborar, testar e criar. |
0 |
256 |
45 |
10 |
2013-08-01T15:53:15+00:00 |
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2564378390 |
CityMatter |
CityMatter |
More Info Coming Soon! |
0 |
20 |
10 |
6 |
2014-06-13T01:21:07+00:00 |
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759 |
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17188930 |
NoluCN |
Nolu Crockett-Ntonga |
Global Communications and Parternership Builder. Web Content Strategist. Africa Watcher, International Development Advocate. |
Washington, DC |
http://www.NoluCN.com |
0 |
197 |
227 |
9 |
2008-11-05T14:11:41+00:00 |
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67707825 |
ericvtaitjr |
Eric V Taitjr |
0 |
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2009-08-21T20:19:41+00:00 |
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202025534 |
siliconsassy |
silicon sassy |
Irreverant commentary on the latest tech news, from the heart of Silicon Valley |
Silicon Valley, USA |
0 |
47 |
148 |
4 |
2010-10-13T04:01:45+00:00 |
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230336117 |
janegross |
jane gross |
Recovering New York Times journalist. Founder New Old Age blog. Author of A Bittersweet Season (Knopf/Vintage) Lecturer. |
new york city |
https://twitter.com/janegross |
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581 |
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2010-12-25T03:04:16+00:00 |
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243693135 |
arivarola |
Armando Rivarola |
Periodista, jefe de redacción adjunto del diario ABC Color de Paraguay. |
Asunción, Paraguay |
0 |
1082 |
262 |
19 |
2011-01-27T16:19:17+00:00 |
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301547796 |
MonicaSLam |
Monica Lam |
Professor, Computer Science Department at Stanford University. |
http://cs.stanford.edu/~lam |
0 |
1091 |
42 |
39 |
2011-05-19T17:12:46+00:00 |
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531407250 |
andrewzajac1 |
Andrew Zajac |
Legal reporter for Bloomberg News |
Washington DC |
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20 |
2012-03-20T14:55:56+00:00 |
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3140544572 |
askwalterai |
Walter |
Building a two-way conversation between audiences and the news. What do you want to know? #AskWalter |
Palo Alto, CA |
http://www.waltervoice.com |
0 |
28 |
32 |
1 |
2015-04-05T16:51:48+00:00 |
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21399016 |
ellenshuman |
Ellen Shuman |
Founder A Weigh Out Life Coaching & Online Community. I teach skills for overcoming compulsive eating, emotional eating, binge eating disorder, food addiction. |
Worldwide-We coach by phone |
http://www.aweighout.com |
0 |
177 |
56 |
12 |
2009-02-20T14:14:34+00:00 |
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1369 |
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022330 |
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41499730 |
xtygeo |
Christy George |
independent editor-reporter-producer |
0 |
90 |
243 |
11 |
2009-05-21T01:27:51+00:00 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
35 |
0 |
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67942338 |
Musikilu |
Musikilu Mojeed |
Editor-in-Chief/Chief Operating Officer -- @premiumtimesng; Co-Founder -- @ptcij; founder - @TheImoleProject; founder, @naijapolizwatch; member, @ICIJorg |
Abuja |
http://www.premiumtimesng.com |
0 |
2375 |
192 |
46 |
2009-08-22T17:53:27+00:00 |
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8956962 |
kirkcaraway |
Kirk Caraway |
Co-founder Megafone/NowAds, 2012-13 John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford University, online news entrepreneur |
http://GetMegafone.biz |
http://NowAds.biz |
0 |
270 |
305 |
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2007-09-18T18:11:50+00:00 |
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16450666 |
Kweston |
Kevin Weston |
I'm a survivor, innovator and lover of life. I'm a publisher, editor and multi-media content producer. 2013 J.S. Knight Felllow at Stanford University. |
Oakland CA. |
http://facebook.com/onkwest |
0 |
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2008-09-25T13:36:41+00:00 |
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36388506 |
BobDrogin |
Bob Drogin |
Washington Deputy Bureau Chief for
Los Angeles Times / author of Curveball |
Washington, DC |
0 |
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2009-04-29T15:43:56+00:00 |
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86112487 |
JudithNichols |
New American Nomads |
See what happens when two crazy “kids” quit their jobs, sell their house, dump their possessions and hit the road to see America in a fancy camper van. |
Scottsdale, Arizona |
http://www.newamericannomads.com |
0 |
49 |
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2009-10-29T17:01:15+00:00 |
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19563420 |
rosey18 |
Robert J. Rosenthal |
Exec. Dir. @ Center for Investigative Reporting, lifelong journalist, NYTimes, Boston Globe, Philly Inquirer, SF Chronicle, Africa Correspondent. |
Berkeley, CA |
http://centerforinvestigativereporting.org/ |
0 |
3097 |
310 |
197 |
2009-01-26T22:42:21+00:00 |
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20065842 |
DickKnox |
Richard Knox |
Health and science journalist |
Boston |
0 |
5271 |
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2009-02-04T16:24:12+00:00 |
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118957609 |
KimNorgaardCNN |
Kim Norgaard |
CNN Johannesburg Bureau |
Johannesburg, South Africa |
http://www.cnn.com |
0 |
3971 |
202 |
195 |
2010-03-02T06:37:09+00:00 |
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2181453834 |
CodeActually |
CodeActually |
You can code. Actually. |
http://codeactual.ly |
0 |
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2013-11-08T04:30:42+00:00 |
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7832552 |
kinseywilson |
Kinsey Wilson |
Lifelong journo, digital media exec, founder and head of @NewspackPub @automattic, ex @nytimes, @NPR. Board @JSKstanford |
Cambridge, MA |
http://kinsey.nyc |
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6065 |
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2007-07-30T23:16:37+00:00 |
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24346858 |
jmbelding |
J. Mariani-Belding |
Writer. Communicator. Marketer. Lover of good wine and cheese. Living my best life, with gratitude. |
California, USA |
1 |
30 |
55 |
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2009-03-14T08:10:36+00:00 |
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284593852 |
wemcn |
William McNulty |
Santa Cruz CA |
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2011-04-19T15:40:58+00:00 |
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55273455 |
brasilnewscom |
Christianne Gonzalez |
Online media consultant |
Silicon Valley |
http://www.brasilnewscom.com |
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103779264 |
Robert_Milliken |
Robert Milliken |
Journalist, author | writes for Inside Story and The Economist | Views my own. |
Sydney, Australia |
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2010-01-11T06:32:37+00:00 |
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185197033 |
northkoreatech |
Martyn Williams |
The Twitter home of North Korea Tech, a Web site dedicated to following IT in the DPRK. Most tweeting now found @martyn_williams |
Palo Alto, CA |
http://www.northkoreatech.org |
0 |
4644 |
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2010-08-31T12:55:17+00:00 |
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915830820 |
VVuorikoski |
Veikko Vuorikoski |
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2012-10-31T00:53:25+00:00 |
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400778798 |
MakenaWalker |
Makena |
New York |
http://www.unglobalpulse.org |
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2011-10-29T15:19:42+00:00 |
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17027157 |
JuanCastilloAAS |
Juan Castillo |
Editorial Page Editor at the Austin American-Statesman. |
Austin, TX, USA |
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2008-10-28T19:42:55+00:00 |
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33098630 |
writergirl |
Beatrice Motamedi |
John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford University 2014-15. Founder, Global Student Square. Co-director, Newsroom by the Bay. Adding youth voice to the news ecosystem |
Oakland, California |
http://beatricemotamedi.com/ |
0 |
510 |
243 |
30 |
2009-04-19T02:26:00+00:00 |
14 |
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968 |
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2802357499 |
heatherjodewar |
Heather Dewar |
0 |
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149 |
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2014-09-10T19:29:28+00:00 |
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16679508 |
GeriLSmith |
Geri Smith |
Spent 3 decades as foreign correspondent in Latin America. Handle media relations for Inter-American Development Bank. All postings reflect personal views only. |
Washington, D.C. |
1 |
774 |
414 |
52 |
2008-10-10T04:43:07+00:00 |
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532 |
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2317636063 |
osetinskayaliza |
liza osetinskaya |
Russian journalist, editor, media manager. interested in Russian politics, digital media, perfect journalism. Stanford Jsk knight fellow 2017 |
Palo Alto, CA |
0 |
3368 |
229 |
51 |
2014-01-29T18:50:40+00:00 |
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212 |
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14766481 |
zajoryn |
Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA |
http://www.zajorynproductions.com |
0 |
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425 |
3 |
2008-05-13T23:45:17+00:00 |
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54331654 |
AnhhoaTruong |
Anh Hoà TRUONG |
Innovation Project Leader, VR Journalist, Science Writer, 2015 JSK Fellow at Stanford. Based in Cali. Born in France. Good food / good company lover. |
California |
http://vr-journalism.tumblr.com/ |
0 |
335 |
256 |
69 |
2009-07-06T21:01:51+00:00 |
16 |
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619420043 |
JoelGutierrezG |
Joel Gutierrez |
Periodista nicaragüense, Knight Fellow de la Universidad de Stanford |
Nicaragua |
1 |
52 |
254 |
0 |
2012-06-26T21:03:38+00:00 |
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9078442 |
agventcnn |
Greg Agvent |
Senior Director CNN Aerial Imagery &. Reporting |
Atlanta, USA |
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2192 |
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2007-09-24T21:20:08+00:00 |
17 |
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19086179 |
BabakDehghan |
Babak Dehghanpisheh |
Senior correspondent at Thomson Reuters. Opinions are my own. |
Beirut |
0 |
5592 |
4900 |
264 |
2009-01-16T21:21:08+00:00 |
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250882918 |
18daysinegypt |
18 Days in Egypt |
أنت عشتها ، و سجلتها ، يللا نكتب تاريخ بلدنا - مشروع تعاوني وثائقي عن الثورة | http://Facebook.com/18days Relive #Jan25 with this crowd-sourced documentary. |
Cairo, Egypt |
http://www.18daysinegypt.com |
0 |
2380 |
615 |
53 |
2011-02-12T00:38:09+00:00 |
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17690868 |
Nirmitra |
Nirmal Mitra |
Journalist, illustrator, cartoonist, blogger. |
North Valley Stream, NY |
https://nirmalmitra.com/ |
0 |
88 |
160 |
10 |
2008-11-27T22:00:27+00:00 |
20 |
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183 |
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27981533 |
theparagrapher |
Elaine Ray |
Journalist, writer, family historian, |
Stanford, CA |
http://www.ebenezerray.com |
0 |
138 |
197 |
6 |
2009-03-31T22:31:19+00:00 |
21 |
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570836067 |
AfNewsChallenge |
AfricanNewsChallenge |
Africa's largest innovation fund for data journalism, newsroom experimentation, digital adaption and media tech start-ups. |
http://AfricanNewsChallenge.org |
0 |
606 |
14 |
46 |
2012-05-04T11:31:48+00:00 |
22 |
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83 |
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9486682 |
Ezequiel_Abiu |
Ezequiel Abiú López |
Personal tweets by Ezequiel Abiú López. Executive Producer at Noticias SIN @SIN24Horas http://www.noticiassin.com and Foreign correspondent in the Dominican Republic. |
Santo Domingo |
0 |
895 |
324 |
19 |
2007-10-16T21:38:33+00:00 |
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1523 |
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23757441 |
hugorupert |
Hugo Rupert |
stanford U |
0 |
90 |
267 |
4 |
2009-03-11T12:50:26+00:00 |
26 |
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338 |
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3473664018 |
ProjectFacet |
Project Facet |
The Future of Journalism is Collaborative. Facet is an open source project to help newsrooms create and manage effective editorial collaborations. |
San Francisco, CA |
http://projectfacet.org |
0 |
1030 |
235 |
46 |
2015-09-06T19:26:43+00:00 |
27 |
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750919846330793984 |
YooHeeHong0916 |
YooHee Hong |
San Francisco, CA |
http://ww.linkedin.com/in/yoohee-hong-6136b856 |
0 |
72 |
416 |
3 |
2016-07-07T05:10:17+00:00 |
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9443532 |
Rickattig |
Rick Attig |
Dad, Writer and Journalist |
Portland, Oregon |
0 |
181 |
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2007-10-14T21:35:46+00:00 |
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124830897 |
CharlaReports |
Charla Bear |
Senior design researcher, team lead, and storyteller @IDEO. Travel nerd mildly obsessed with miles + points. |
Oakland, CA |
http://www.charlabear.com |
0 |
288 |
97 |
25 |
2010-03-20T18:30:23+00:00 |
31 |
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463481376 |
bestwrit |
Sally Lehrman |
Award-winning science journalist and educator who specializes in identity, race relations and gender. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Senior Fellow. |
SF Bay Area |
http://www.bestwrit.com |
0 |
577 |
177 |
44 |
2012-01-14T04:37:35+00:00 |
31 |
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16248718 |
LisaHsia |
LisaHsia |
EVP Digital media at @bravotv @oxygen @universalkids |
New York, NY |
http://www.bravotv.com |
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1374 |
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2008-09-11T22:17:50+00:00 |
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21783956 |
garyjmarx |
gary marx |
Chicago Tribune investigative reporter. |
Chicago |
http://trib.in/2aLM20k |
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2009-02-24T19:09:20+00:00 |
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593247967 |
bookbobminz |
Bob Minzesheimer |
Book reviewer & reporter; former library board president, Nat. Book Critics Circle executive board, second baseman. Email: bookbobminz@yahoo.com |
Cheever Country, N.Y. |
http://muckrack.com/bookbobminz |
0 |
1390 |
229 |
60 |
2012-05-29T01:45:10+00:00 |
39 |
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