115359136 |
losowsky |
Andrew Losowsky |
New York, NY |
0 |
8023 |
2479 |
479 |
2010-02-18T12:03:16+00:00 |
62943 |
0 |
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3762 |
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144361718 |
mainulislamkhan |
Mainul Khan |
0 |
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2010-05-16T02:44:34+00:00 |
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48 |
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144661304 |
PerrettReport |
Janine Perrett |
Proud journo for 40 years. Now more than ever. |
Australia |
0 |
9554 |
631 |
113 |
2010-05-16T23:58:51+00:00 |
13198 |
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157531033 |
watsonmeng |
watson ,meng |
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2010-06-20T03:08:34+00:00 |
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164206121 |
BizCourier |
Akaki Gogichaishvili |
0 |
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2010-07-08T08:49:13+00:00 |
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165426547 |
jeremyadamsmith |
Jeremy Adam Smith |
I edit @greatergoodsc & write for @SFPublicPress @sciam & more. Former @JSKstanford. Contact: jeremysmith (at) http://berkeley.edu |
San Francisco Bay Area |
0 |
4530 |
3943 |
157 |
2010-07-11T14:48:53+00:00 |
1206 |
1 |
0 |
8825 |
0 |
0 |
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174492304 |
DCoronell |
Daniel Coronell |
Periodista. |
0 |
1443731 |
1575 |
3754 |
2010-08-04T01:56:08+00:00 |
17241 |
1 |
1 |
82079 |
0 |
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180388029 |
iamlaggr |
agg |
@spaceship_media problem solver. journalist. designer. lover of high x-heights. favorite color: CMYK. JSK ‘17 |
Space |
0 |
334 |
759 |
27 |
2010-08-19T14:25:49+00:00 |
2824 |
1 |
0 |
4207 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
352726 |
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184814522 |
LisaARossi |
Lisa Rossi |
Co-founder: Bonfire Strategy.
Delivering powerful experiences to spur creative ideas that resonate. Passionate about: Building stronger teams and communities. |
Des Moines, IA |
0 |
2060 |
2292 |
133 |
2010-08-30T15:09:19+00:00 |
6506 |
1 |
1 |
7921 |
0 |
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186997686 |
DjurdjaPadejski |
DjurdjaPadejski |
Communications at @StanfordPACS/@DigCivSoc, ex @StanfordCDDRL. Bilingual tweets, my own, not my org’s. |
Palo Alto, CA |
0 |
1331 |
1462 |
22 |
2010-09-05T00:14:13+00:00 |
100808 |
1 |
0 |
17262 |
0 |
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F4C152 |
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C4AF4E |
3BA2A6 |
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none |
197940788 |
kscottAtLarge |
Kelly Scott |
Writer, editor, political obsessive, arts & culture enthusiast and @Dodgers fan. Proud mom of @DevinMitchell, @sc_mitchell. |
Chicago, IL |
0 |
1407 |
891 |
84 |
2010-10-02T22:13:14+00:00 |
1499 |
1 |
0 |
1243 |
0 |
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202025534 |
siliconsassy |
silicon sassy |
Irreverant commentary on the latest tech news, from the heart of Silicon Valley |
Silicon Valley, USA |
0 |
47 |
148 |
4 |
2010-10-13T04:01:45+00:00 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
188 |
0 |
0 |
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209407086 |
sylvestermonroe |
Sylvester Monroe |
Europe and South Asia Editor for the Washington Post |
Washington, DC |
0 |
779 |
245 |
34 |
2010-10-29T03:50:44+00:00 |
209 |
0 |
0 |
265 |
0 |
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none |
243693135 |
arivarola |
Armando Rivarola |
Periodista, jefe de redacción adjunto del diario ABC Color de Paraguay. |
Asunción, Paraguay |
0 |
1082 |
262 |
19 |
2011-01-27T16:19:17+00:00 |
3 |
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0 |
81 |
0 |
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246041730 |
Ljiljantr |
Serif Turgut |
Peace at Home, Peace in the World-Atatürk |
0 |
23936 |
1085 |
139 |
2011-02-02T00:36:54+00:00 |
18527 |
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89929 |
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256498570 |
cpassariello |
Christina Passariello |
Technology editor @WashingtonPost. Ex @WSJ. Former @JSKstanford Fellow. Parisian by adoption. Super Bowl halftime show performer. |
Palo Alto, CA |
0 |
5168 |
1588 |
288 |
2011-02-23T13:18:37+00:00 |
1105 |
0 |
1 |
67 |
0 |
0 |
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281065346 |
MaryPols |
Mary Pols |
Media relations @BatesCollege, formerly editor @MaineWomenMag, writer @PressHerald, movie critic @TIME, @JSKStanford. Plus: the blur of the 90s and @ucbsoj |
Maine |
0 |
3401 |
1763 |
145 |
2011-04-12T15:17:07+00:00 |
4325 |
1 |
0 |
12608 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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284593852 |
wemcn |
William McNulty |
Santa Cruz CA |
0 |
469 |
643 |
29 |
2011-04-19T15:40:58+00:00 |
8 |
0 |
0 |
256 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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365973699 |
Azmat_Abbas |
Azmat Abbas |
Islamabad |
0 |
73 |
102 |
5 |
2011-09-01T10:34:49+00:00 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
32 |
0 |
0 |
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709397 |
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FF3300 |
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386183180 |
Girmatf |
Girma T Fantaye |
0 |
1229 |
451 |
0 |
2011-10-06T20:15:31+00:00 |
471 |
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0 |
1972 |
0 |
0 |
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0084B4 |
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none |
516794788 |
cherokee_editor |
Bryan Pollard |
associate director, @najournalists; former JSK Fellow, @jskstanford; former exec editor, @CherokeePhoenix; founder @streetroots, board member, @highcountrynews |
Fayetteville, AR |
0 |
973 |
143 |
15 |
2012-03-06T19:10:04+00:00 |
407 |
0 |
0 |
298 |
0 |
0 |
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000000 |
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981CEB |
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531407250 |
andrewzajac1 |
Andrew Zajac |
Legal reporter for Bloomberg News |
Washington DC |
0 |
151 |
128 |
20 |
2012-03-20T14:55:56+00:00 |
3 |
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0 |
250 |
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1DA1F2 |
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none |
556757858 |
ArifElsau |
Arif Elsaui |
journalist -media consultant-freelancer -kenya \Nairobi |
Kenya-Nairobi |
0 |
922 |
587 |
12 |
2012-04-18T10:42:05+00:00 |
257 |
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0 |
267 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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588357987 |
semaanmariam |
mariam semaan |
#Knight #Fellow 2012/13 #Stanford #University #DesignThinking#Media expert #Designer of #Experiences #vintage clothes and accessories #collector |
1 |
207 |
219 |
16 |
2012-05-23T13:11:28+00:00 |
59 |
0 |
0 |
694 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
642D8B |
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FF3300 |
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619420043 |
JoelGutierrezG |
Joel Gutierrez |
Periodista nicaragüense, Knight Fellow de la Universidad de Stanford |
Nicaragua |
1 |
52 |
254 |
0 |
2012-06-26T21:03:38+00:00 |
16 |
0 |
0 |
17 |
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749768262 |
KO_616 |
Akoto Ofori-Atta |
managing editor @teamtrace. @jskstanford 2014-2015/for life. BK/NJ/Ghana. |
Brooklyn, NY |
0 |
3289 |
2237 |
111 |
2012-08-10T17:50:25+00:00 |
5271 |
1 |
1 |
3632 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1A1B1F |
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2FC2EF |
666666 |
1 |
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778895864 |
RachelDissell |
Rachel Dissell |
Journalist. Former Plain Dealer reporter. Mama bear. Public records are my jam. Current @JSKstanford fellow. Send tips to rldissell@gmail.com |
Cleveland, Oh |
0 |
8014 |
2588 |
201 |
2012-08-24T20:16:33+00:00 |
9378 |
1 |
1 |
11781 |
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798978222 |
alvin_bessent |
Alvin Bessent |
newsday editorial writer and columnist |
0 |
14 |
4 |
6 |
2012-09-02T20:23:24+00:00 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
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0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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none |
915830820 |
VVuorikoski |
Veikko Vuorikoski |
0 |
3 |
22 |
2 |
2012-10-31T00:53:25+00:00 |
12 |
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1003951466 |
SlawomirZagorsk |
Slawomir Zagorski |
0 |
32 |
0 |
2 |
2012-12-11T12:35:36+00:00 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
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0 |
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1168982911 |
TunjiLardner |
Tunji Lardner |
0 |
13878 |
1258 |
134 |
2013-02-11T13:55:22+00:00 |
3446 |
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124913 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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1169981785 |
projomike |
Mike Stanton |
UConn journalism professor. Boston Globe Spotlight Fellow. Bestselling author, The Prince of Providence & Unbeaten. Pulitzer. @NewhouseSU & @MedillSchool alum. |
Rhode Island & Connecticut |
0 |
4220 |
2206 |
100 |
2013-02-11T20:38:09+00:00 |
5949 |
1 |
0 |
17602 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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1343792784 |
AnimatedPress |
Animated Press |
0 |
19 |
0 |
1 |
2013-04-11T07:54:02+00:00 |
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1363141442 |
GetMegafone |
Megafone |
0 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
2013-04-18T23:32:58+00:00 |
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0 |
52 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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1370927040 |
AlfredoMolanoB |
Alfredo Molano B |
🕊🇨🇴 Comisionado de la Verdad 💚 Sociólogo UN, periodista y cronista 🕯 [1944 - 2019] Cuenta en Homenaje al Maestro. |
Colombia Rural |
0 |
30206 |
550 |
213 |
2013-04-22T01:10:33+00:00 |
3881 |
0 |
0 |
7771 |
0 |
0 |
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050505 |
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04332D |
AA642E |
1 |
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1379368854 |
PietroBahemuka |
Peter Bahemuka |
Keenly interested in media, communications, human rights, politics, business, international affairs, literature, film, music, sports, nature, history and travel |
Kampala, Uganda |
0 |
274 |
970 |
7 |
2013-04-25T12:47:22+00:00 |
201 |
0 |
0 |
119 |
0 |
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1522716182 |
sarahtwilliams1 |
Sarah T. Williams |
0 |
32 |
28 |
3 |
2013-06-16T17:16:34+00:00 |
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1638298657 |
orbitalab |
OrbitalLab |
Organização para reunir quem tem projetos de mídia e quer tirá-los do papel. Um espaço para pensar, elaborar, testar e criar. |
0 |
256 |
45 |
10 |
2013-08-01T15:53:15+00:00 |
2 |
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0 |
518 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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1892710843 |
ritaneubauer |
Rita Neubauer |
0 |
24 |
3 |
2 |
2013-09-22T06:12:57+00:00 |
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none |
2188851283 |
getdatastory |
DataStory |
Telling stories with all the data you need. Project founded by @nunovargas during JSKnight Fellowship'13 at Stanford. |
California & Portugal |
0 |
151 |
61 |
17 |
2013-11-11T18:45:28+00:00 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
21 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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none |
2317636063 |
osetinskayaliza |
liza osetinskaya |
Russian journalist, editor, media manager. interested in Russian politics, digital media, perfect journalism. Stanford Jsk knight fellow 2017 |
Palo Alto, CA |
0 |
3368 |
229 |
51 |
2014-01-29T18:50:40+00:00 |
15 |
0 |
0 |
212 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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2564378390 |
CityMatter |
CityMatter |
More Info Coming Soon! |
0 |
20 |
10 |
6 |
2014-06-13T01:21:07+00:00 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
759 |
0 |
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0 |
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2802357499 |
heatherjodewar |
Heather Dewar |
0 |
20 |
149 |
1 |
2014-09-10T19:29:28+00:00 |
14 |
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0 |
16 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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3138103122 |
EPAnow650 |
EPAnow _ |
This is East Palo Alto's Youth Led News and Media Hub .. |
0 |
20 |
45 |
1 |
2015-04-03T23:45:13+00:00 |
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3177360083 |
JimmyGootz |
jimmy gutierrez |
filling Milwaukee's info gaps w #News414 | @JSKstanford community impact fellow | former hit maker @NHPR | jv baller | he/him |
Milwaukee |
0 |
667 |
913 |
24 |
2015-04-17T17:03:51+00:00 |
9426 |
1 |
0 |
1328 |
0 |
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0 |
000000 |
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ABB8C2 |
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1112229965624307712 |
katebmaxwell |
Haunted “Kate 👻☕️ Maxwell” House |
Mostly newstweeting as publisher of worker-owned @themendovoice and @jskstanford community fellow. More news co-ops now. SF/DC to Mendocino. |
Mendocino County, CA |
0 |
257 |
1006 |
6 |
2019-03-31T05:47:42+00:00 |
2771 |
0 |
0 |
191 |
0 |
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0 |
F5F8FA |
0 |
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214740111 |
Martinminguchi |
Martin Pallares |
Periodista. Co fundador de http://4Pelagatos.com John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford. Mis retuits quieren decir miren esto quizá les interesa. No es apoyo. |
Quito, Ecuador |
http://4pelagatos.com |
0 |
102855 |
2600 |
314 |
2010-11-12T03:18:13+00:00 |
11495 |
1 |
0 |
54148 |
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770729 |
lizgannes |
Liz Gannes |
My last name rhymes with braaains. |
San Francisco |
http://60db.co |
0 |
68124 |
2906 |
2171 |
2007-02-13T23:05:04+00:00 |
1015 |
1 |
1 |
6246 |
0 |
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8EDA42 |
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0000FF |
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570836067 |
AfNewsChallenge |
AfricanNewsChallenge |
Africa's largest innovation fund for data journalism, newsroom experimentation, digital adaption and media tech start-ups. |
http://AfricanNewsChallenge.org |
0 |
606 |
14 |
46 |
2012-05-04T11:31:48+00:00 |
22 |
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83 |
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20253808 |
AndreaWNYC |
Andrea Bernstein |
Co-host Trump, Inc. podcast from @WNYC & @ProPublica; NYT best-selling author: AMERICAN OLIGARCHS: The Kushners, The Trumps, and the Marriage of Money and Power |
New York, NY |
http://AndreaBernsteinBook.com |
0 |
28333 |
1906 |
726 |
2009-02-06T17:29:43+00:00 |
4997 |
1 |
1 |
3349 |
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000000 |
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FA743E |
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236583412 |
MakeOverEarth |
Gary Polakovic |
Environmental pro for 30 yrs @ Coalition for Clean Air, L.A. Times, http://SEJ.org, Calif State Parks Fdtn., & Make Over Earth, Inc., consulting. |
Los Angeles, CA |
http://MakeOverEarth.com |
0 |
169 |
418 |
11 |
2011-01-10T22:50:16+00:00 |
1114 |
1 |
0 |
3278 |
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8956962 |
kirkcaraway |
Kirk Caraway |
Co-founder Megafone/NowAds, 2012-13 John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford University, online news entrepreneur |
http://GetMegafone.biz |
http://NowAds.biz |
0 |
270 |
305 |
15 |
2007-09-18T18:11:50+00:00 |
5 |
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574 |
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0099B9 |
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0099B9 |
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225293034 |
thischrishorne |
Damien is The Antichris Horne |
Publisher of The Devil Strip | JSK Fellow @ Stanford, 2019 | NAS CCF, 2018 | Makronite 💯 | Gave up Lent for bacon. | Retweets will not be televised |
Akron, Ohio |
http://TheDevilStrip.com/co-op |
0 |
2753 |
1345 |
75 |
2010-12-11T06:33:19+00:00 |
94466 |
1 |
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45024 |
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3C2C22 |
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FF691F |
54493E |
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48193439 |
drigarcia |
drigarcia |
Journalism, Creativity, Innovation. Teaching Fellow at Google News Initiative. Co-founder of Orbital Midia. @jskstanford 12'/13' |
São Paulo, Brasil |
http://about.me/adrianagarciamartinez |
1 |
511 |
790 |
44 |
2009-06-18T01:20:51+00:00 |
2100 |
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3142 |
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94D487 |
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17595439 |
chr1sa |
Chris Anderson |
Suddenly realized that this bio does not have to mirror LinkedIn. Also doesn't have to be a bio at all. Photo by @chrismichel |
Orinda |
http://about.me/andersonchris |
0 |
192905 |
1568 |
8034 |
2008-11-24T16:57:51+00:00 |
15515 |
1 |
1 |
20163 |
0 |
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131516 |
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009999 |
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19587103 |
Andrew Purvis |
Journalist and bureau chief, formerly w/ @TIME in Africa, eastern Europe, Turkey, Balkans, Germany. Consultant w/ UN Refugee Agency. Missing...Beirut. |
San Francisco |
http://about.me/andrewcpurvis |
0 |
1115 |
792 |
79 |
2009-01-27T11:19:44+00:00 |
6310 |
1 |
0 |
6958 |
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17033026 |
gmafort |
Gabriela Mafort |
Branded Content and Video Branding Consultant. |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
http://about.me/gmafort |
0 |
453 |
508 |
15 |
2008-10-29T01:22:33+00:00 |
82 |
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19727405 |
Lindenberger |
Michael Lindenberger |
Deputy Opinion Editor at Houston Chronicle | Ex: DC correspondent & edit board @dallasnews | ‘13 @jskstanford | @LouisvilleLaw grad | @Time @TNR |
Dallas, TX |
http://about.me/lindenberger |
0 |
2410 |
1606 |
162 |
2009-01-29T19:11:06+00:00 |
3946 |
1 |
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10702 |
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07090B |
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B50E0E |
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53193096 |
bernie_roth |
Bernie Roth |
Bernie Roth is a founder of Stanford's http://d.school and author of The Achievement Habit: how to stop wishing, start doing, and take command of life. |
Stanford, CA |
http://achievementhabit.com |
0 |
1560 |
46 |
68 |
2009-07-02T21:25:56+00:00 |
247 |
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810 |
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0088C2 |
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18139193 |
farano |
Adriano Farano |
I've built a company, a pizza oven and a family. Not necessarily in that order. Now Pane Vivo. Ex @Plex @Watchup @StartX @jskstanford @cafebabel_eng |
Paris, France |
http://adrianofarano.com |
0 |
3115 |
1713 |
241 |
2008-12-15T16:07:32+00:00 |
1979 |
1 |
0 |
7494 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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EA9E22 |
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1435782937 |
storychallenge |
AfricaStoryChallenge |
The African Story Challenge is a $1 million programme of reporting grants to encourage innovative storytelling to improve the health and prosperity of Africans. |
http://africanstorychallenge.com |
0 |
815 |
315 |
24 |
2013-05-17T14:11:26+00:00 |
126 |
1 |
0 |
624 |
0 |
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006BB3 |
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164384148 |
agmural |
Agência Mural em 🏠 |
A Agência Mural de Jornalismo das Periferias é uma agência de notícias, informação e inteligência sobre as periferias de São Paulo e da Região Metropolitana. |
São Paulo, Brasil |
http://agenciamural.org.br |
0 |
14325 |
272 |
125 |
2010-07-08T19:03:43+00:00 |
1238 |
1 |
1 |
7517 |
0 |
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FA743E |
333333 |
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47854857 |
aleithead |
Alastair Leithead |
Portugal-based journalist using BBC foreign correspondent skills to live off the grid, experiment with new ways of storytelling and work agains the infodemic |
Odemira, SW Portugal |
http://alastairleithead.com |
0 |
14982 |
690 |
563 |
2009-06-17T04:26:19+00:00 |
34 |
1 |
1 |
1382 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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107116415 |
ClaudiaKalb |
Claudia Kalb |
Independent journalist writing for @NatGeoMag + @NatGeoBooks. Ex- Newsweek. Book: Andy Warhol was a Hoarder: Inside the Minds of History's Great Personalities |
http://amzn.to/1jGIb6R |
0 |
643 |
672 |
30 |
2010-01-21T16:05:37+00:00 |
630 |
0 |
0 |
969 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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38621496 |
nadiatrinidad |
Nadia Trinidad |
Head of ABS CBN News Channel, Knight Fellow, foodie, living each day as it comes. Views expressed are my own, not ABS-CBN's. |
http://anc.abs-cbnnews.com |
0 |
17738 |
1027 |
151 |
2009-05-08T06:36:42+00:00 |
1142 |
1 |
0 |
3573 |
0 |
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0 |
9AE4E8 |
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254189881 |
Opiaiya |
Angelo Izama |
Ugandan Writer. Analyst at VRS|Blogger|Current Affairs|Calisthenics|Film is the Future Language. Kampala. Palo Alto. Abu Dhabi |
Kampala, Uganda |
http://angeloizama.com |
0 |
53936 |
3343 |
245 |
2011-02-18T20:01:24+00:00 |
1453 |
1 |
0 |
31541 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
642D8B |
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E81C4F |
3D1957 |
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16622367 |
aruizcamacho |
Antonio Ruiz-Camacho |
Not there yet | BAREFOOT DOGS | Writing @nytimes @TexasMonthly @salon @TexasHighways et al | @JSKstanford @ut_english alum |
Austin |
http://antonioruizcamacho.com |
0 |
1454 |
867 |
71 |
2008-10-06T23:33:29+00:00 |
7322 |
1 |
1 |
11653 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
131516 |
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1B95E0 |
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180871553 |
MikeRezendes |
Michael Rezendes |
Global investigations @AP. Formerly @GlobeSpotlight. |
http://ap.org |
0 |
14387 |
1483 |
321 |
2010-08-20T18:17:18+00:00 |
9017 |
0 |
1 |
5556 |
0 |
0 |
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21022307 |
BarbaraBrotman |
Barbara Brotman |
Writer, hiker, former Chicago Tribune columnist, current freelancer. I love swimming, hug trees and wish Chicago had mountains. |
Chicago, Ill. |
http://archives.chicagotribune.com/writers/barbara-brotman |
0 |
999 |
209 |
68 |
2009-02-16T20:19:59+00:00 |
239 |
0 |
0 |
401 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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33098630 |
writergirl |
Beatrice Motamedi |
John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford University 2014-15. Founder, Global Student Square. Co-director, Newsroom by the Bay. Adding youth voice to the news ecosystem |
Oakland, California |
http://beatricemotamedi.com/ |
0 |
510 |
243 |
30 |
2009-04-19T02:26:00+00:00 |
14 |
1 |
0 |
968 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3B94D9 |
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0084B4 |
333333 |
0 |
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0 |
none |
20955208 |
BikeIntel |
BikeIntelligencer |
Lifelong cyclist covering road and mountain biking, transportation, trail access, advocacy. |
Seattle and Santa Cruz CA |
http://bikeintelligencer.com |
0 |
652 |
108 |
60 |
2009-02-16T02:05:16+00:00 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1029 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
000000 |
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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/720770144/BILogoTwitterSkinny_normal.jpg |
0084B4 |
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6304662 |
Digidave |
David Cohn |
I do R&D for Advance Pubs. Currently working on @joinSubtext Former: AJ+, Circa, http://Spot.Us. Help where I can. I txt sometimes (707) 209-7170. Also, I love you. |
Berkeley |
http://blog.digidave.org/ |
0 |
16629 |
2068 |
1610 |
2007-05-25T06:26:55+00:00 |
18729 |
1 |
0 |
18593 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
F3E5B9 |
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0 |
http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/591840350630580224/6pmV02LO_normal.jpg |
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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/6304662/1430110085 |
0E45EA |
53AB8D |
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none |
30117765 |
marcelorubens |
Marcelo Rubens Paiva |
http://blog.estadao.com.br/blog/marcelorubenspaiva/ |
0 |
829946 |
672 |
1088 |
2009-04-10T01:14:01+00:00 |
2415 |
1 |
1 |
33641 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
022330 |
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0 |
http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1270390491616620548/vWUAJQVu_normal.jpg |
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1270390491616620548/vWUAJQVu_normal.jpg |
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0084B4 |
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8839152 |
mattwaite |
Matt Waite |
Journalism Prof. @ U of Nebraska-Lincoln, founder of Drone Journalism Lab, teaching data journalism, developed PolitiFact. |
http://blog.mattwaite.com/ |
0 |
9740 |
1589 |
854 |
2007-09-12T18:53:27+00:00 |
2447 |
1 |
1 |
28369 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
131516 |
http://abs.twimg.com/images/themes/theme14/bg.gif |
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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1042529594480353280/Gt-1wb0-_normal.jpg |
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/8839152/1537393901 |
009999 |
333333 |
1 |
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none |
101610491 |
joanubeda |
Joan Úbeda |
Factual TV and documentary producer |
Barcelona |
http://blogerocasional.blogspot.com.es |
0 |
1486 |
1752 |
50 |
2010-01-04T00:22:02+00:00 |
413 |
1 |
0 |
7345 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
333333 |
1 |
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0 |
regular |
138732826 |
Kareliavt |
Karelia Vázquez |
Periodista. Former Knight fellow Stanford University. Autora del blog Antigurú (El País). Mis tuits son míos. |
Madrid, Spain |
http://blogs.elpais.com/antiguru/ |
0 |
2332 |
1300 |
181 |
2010-04-30T12:27:05+00:00 |
1856 |
1 |
0 |
2933 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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0084B4 |
333333 |
1 |
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0 |
none |
365005868 |
OSBobShaw |
Bob Shaw |
Government/politics editor at the Orlando Sentinel |
Orlando FL |
http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_politics/ |
0 |
186 |
47 |
21 |
2011-08-30T18:14:35+00:00 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
25 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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126776391 |
work_matters |
Bob Sutton |
Professor and organizational psychologist @stanford. Books include Good Boss Bad Boss, The Knowing-Doing Gap, The No Asshole Rule, and Scaling Up Excellence |
Stanford |
http://bobsutton.net |
0 |
44984 |
1272 |
1957 |
2010-03-26T23:47:16+00:00 |
26889 |
1 |
1 |
15192 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/770638871985913856/XW6vBJ1A_normal.jpg |
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/126776391/1580510695 |
0084B4 |
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230879206 |
spmurphyboston |
Sean P. Murphy |
Reporter @Boston Globe, Suffolk University journalism professor, regular on the Red Line |
Boston, MA |
http://bostonglobe.com |
0 |
1407 |
200 |
72 |
2010-12-27T00:02:17+00:00 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
384 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
333333 |
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none |
63125158 |
GlobeAlexBeam |
Alex Beam |
This is a Twitter bot. The real Alex Beam, distinguished Boston Globe writer and squash enthusiast, is found at @ImAlexBeamYrNot |
Boston, MA |
http://bostonglobe.com/staff/beam |
0 |
518 |
4 |
22 |
2009-08-05T13:02:51+00:00 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
180 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2B4078 |
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3F5F9C |
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0 |
none |
2478659700 |
BrieflyTV |
Briefly |
Briefly.TV helps TV journalists find amazing stories about our legal system from the lawyers and advocates who know them best. |
Palo Alto, CA |
http://briefly.tv |
0 |
12 |
4 |
1 |
2014-05-05T17:46:41+00:00 |
1 |
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0 |
3 |
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0 |
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607245696 |
BrownInstitute |
The Brown Institute |
The David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation. A joint endeavor of Columbia and Stanford Universities for shaping the future of media. |
New York City and Stanford |
http://browninstitute.org |
0 |
3827 |
483 |
162 |
2012-06-13T12:21:42+00:00 |
309 |
1 |
0 |
2186 |
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1A1B1F |
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2FC2EF |
666666 |
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8441632 |
burtherman |
Burt Herman |
Entrepreneurial journalist finding meaning in the noise. Now: Product @CondeNast. Always: @HacksHackers. Previous: @LenfestInst, Co-founder @Storify, @AP |
New York, NY |
http://burtherman.com |
0 |
9235 |
1964 |
971 |
2007-08-26T14:23:45+00:00 |
1951 |
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6762 |
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14324734 |
ptrounstine |
Phil Trounstine |
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. |
Aptos, CA |
http://calbuzz.com |
0 |
1063 |
134 |
43 |
2008-04-07T16:58:27+00:00 |
0 |
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593 |
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9AE4E8 |
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162581795 |
StanfordCDDRL |
Stanford CDDRL |
The Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law produces policy-relevant research to advance political development. RTs do not equal endorsements. |
Stanford University |
http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu |
0 |
15377 |
879 |
371 |
2010-07-04T03:03:42+00:00 |
3099 |
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5466 |
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19563420 |
rosey18 |
Robert J. Rosenthal |
Exec. Dir. @ Center for Investigative Reporting, lifelong journalist, NYTimes, Boston Globe, Philly Inquirer, SF Chronicle, Africa Correspondent. |
Berkeley, CA |
http://centerforinvestigativereporting.org/ |
0 |
3097 |
310 |
197 |
2009-01-26T22:42:21+00:00 |
6 |
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5390 |
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347983499 |
0212crd |
Cheryl Devall |
Independent wordslinger, editor, story consultant. Veteran of @Reveal, @The_Daily_World, @KPCC, @Marketplace and @NPR (based in Chicago & Miami). She/her/y’all |
Oakland-adjacent, CA |
http://cheryldevall.com |
0 |
918 |
773 |
28 |
2011-08-03T17:50:27+00:00 |
91904 |
1 |
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2631 |
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352726 |
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D02B55 |
3E4415 |
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82976044 |
the_wrangler |
Jon Christensen |
Wrangling this and that @UCLAIoES, @LENSatUCLA, @LuskinCenter, @UCLA_DH, @Stamen, @LibertyHill, @KCET 'Earth Focus,' @LARiverParks, and beyond. |
http://christensenlab.net |
0 |
6213 |
6057 |
356 |
2009-10-16T21:19:49+00:00 |
2485 |
0 |
0 |
33395 |
0 |
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3B3B3B |
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234926815 |
stephenrproctor |
Stephen Proctor |
Managing Editor, Houston Chronicle, golfer, golf historian |
Houston, TX |
http://chron.com |
0 |
590 |
209 |
48 |
2011-01-06T22:44:27+00:00 |
66 |
0 |
0 |
1559 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
333333 |
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none |
2281026164 |
claragsueyro |
Clara G Sueyro |
Currently http://alpha.ca.gov. Formerly founder Jobs to be Researched LLC, 2017 Fellow @JSKstanford 2014 Fellow @codeforamerica |
Sacramento, CA |
http://claraslist.com |
0 |
502 |
895 |
29 |
2014-01-07T18:53:13+00:00 |
402 |
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422 |
0 |
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1DA1F2 |
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none |
2181453834 |
CodeActually |
CodeActually |
You can code. Actually. |
http://codeactual.ly |
0 |
81 |
33 |
5 |
2013-11-08T04:30:42+00:00 |
6 |
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7 |
0 |
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DE4125 |
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none |
500219903 |
CReporting |
Compu Reporting |
Computational Reporting. All about Data Mining |
US |
http://computationalreporting.com |
0 |
59 |
57 |
11 |
2012-02-22T22:40:11+00:00 |
0 |
1 |
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147 |
0 |
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F91717 |
535252 |
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423511427 |
CODaleyNews |
John Daley |
Multi-media journalist, covering health news for Colorado Public Radio, aka CPRNews A link or retweet does not = endorsement. |
http://cpr.org |
0 |
2351 |
939 |
131 |
2011-11-28T16:05:17+00:00 |
3772 |
0 |
1 |
5025 |
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000000 |
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1B95E0 |
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1581899310 |
kelleybros |
Tom & David Kelley |
Brothers + authors of Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential within Us All. On shelves now! |
California |
http://creativeconfidence.com |
0 |
23032 |
1148 |
609 |
2013-07-10T01:46:05+00:00 |
605 |
0 |
0 |
974 |
0 |
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0084B4 |
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8143682 |
jure |
Jure Leskovec |
Professor of #computerscience @Stanford; Chief Scientist @Pinterest; Investigator @czbiohub. #datamining #machinelearning #networks. |
Stanford, CA |
http://cs.stanford.edu/~jure/ |
0 |
26536 |
291 |
783 |
2007-08-12T18:14:57+00:00 |
314 |
1 |
0 |
929 |
0 |
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0 |
9AE4E8 |
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0000FF |
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301547796 |
MonicaSLam |
Monica Lam |
Professor, Computer Science Department at Stanford University. |
http://cs.stanford.edu/~lam |
0 |
1091 |
42 |
39 |
2011-05-19T17:12:46+00:00 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
81 |
0 |
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8119452 |
dansinker |
💀 damned sinker 💀 |
I did http://impeachment.fyi. Co-host of @sayswhopodcast, formerly @opennews, author of @MayorEmanuel, founder of Punk Planet (RIP), #1 Candle King of Kickstarter |
Chicago, IL |
http://dansinker.com |
0 |
28430 |
4171 |
1259 |
2007-08-11T05:51:44+00:00 |
103540 |
1 |
0 |
132008 |
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C6E2EE |
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0 |
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1F98C7 |
663B12 |
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regular |
14335332 |
dancow |
Dan Nguyen »»» |
Proud son of war refugees, computational journalist. he/him Past: taught @stanford; newsdeved @ProPublica @Skift @sacbee_news RTs could mean 🥴 or 😬 or 🤔 |
Chicago |
http://danwin.com |
0 |
16088 |
7103 |
900 |
2008-04-08T19:39:54+00:00 |
95587 |
1 |
1 |
65889 |
0 |
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981CEB |
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46676538 |
davidstabler |
David Stabler |
Writer and teacher. Pianist. Cyclist. davidstabler1@gmail.com |
Portland, Oregon |
http://davidstabler.net |
0 |
1371 |
2210 |
66 |
2009-06-12T15:36:05+00:00 |
206 |
0 |
0 |
1622 |
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1DA1F2 |
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908496738 |
deepafern |
Deepa Fernandes |
Journalist, global & local, @kcrw @TheWorld. Fellow at Pacific Oaks College. I report about women, kids, migrants, the environment. Alum @jskstanford @IWMF. |
California, USA |
http://deepafernandes.com/ |
0 |
3062 |
2537 |
127 |
2012-10-27T16:58:11+00:00 |
3700 |
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4296 |
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