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Zena Barakat |
Design director @ideo |
San Francisco, CA |
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Zeba Khan |
Librarian's daughter | Caregiver (again) | Race, religion, identity politics | Fellow @JSKstanford | former @theopedproject | she/her |
Palo Alto, CA |
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Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA |
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independent editor-reporter-producer |
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1883693504 |
a hardcover culture magazine created by diverse teams for a diverse world | from @danamo & @elliottwilson | home of the #hrdlist |
#hoodsdeepworldswide |
https://hrdcvr.substack.com/p/032720-what-u-need-for-quarantine |
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writergirl |
Beatrice Motamedi |
John S. Knight Fellow at Stanford University 2014-15. Founder, Global Student Square. Co-director, Newsroom by the Bay. Adding youth voice to the news ecosystem |
Oakland, California |
http://beatricemotamedi.com/ |
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work_matters |
Bob Sutton |
Professor and organizational psychologist @stanford. Books include Good Boss Bad Boss, The Knowing-Doing Gap, The No Asshole Rule, and Scaling Up Excellence |
Stanford |
http://bobsutton.net |
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womenjournos |
JAWS has been around for 35 years, fighting for the empowerment & growth of women journalists. |
https://www.jaws.org |
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wlievano |
Wilson Lievano |
Senior Digital Editor @GroundTruth. News animator. Knight Fellow. Explaining the world one keyframe at a time. |
Boston, MA |
http://www.animatedpress.com |
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2009-08-05T04:08:38+00:00 |
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wjchat |
wjchat |
#wjchat is a chat for web journalists on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. PT. We talk about all things content, technology, ethics, & business of journalism on the web. |
Everywhere you are |
http://wjchat.com |
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Stanford West Center |
The official Twitter account of the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford University. |
Stanford University |
http://west.stanford.edu |
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2011-05-12T13:47:20+00:00 |
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William McNulty |
Santa Cruz CA |
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423733810 |
weinmaier |
Klaus Weinmaier |
Digital Strategy & UserCentered Product Innovation, Founder http://TheEngagementLab.com; COO @tonioapp; Co-founder @derStandardat; Knight Affiliate '12 @JSKstanford |
New York, USA |
https://ch.linkedin.com/in/weinmaier |
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2011-11-28T21:38:46+00:00 |
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57621331 |
watchup |
Watchup |
Unleash the power of video journalism. On iOS, Android, Amazon Fire & Wii U |
Menlo Park, California |
http://watchup.com |
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2009-07-17T11:43:04+00:00 |
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315834402 |
wanjasnotebook |
Wanja Njuguna |
Mother, writer, editor, journalism/communication lecturer, human rights defende. Loves reading voraciously, mentoring, birding, environment, fun. I hate liers! |
The World |
http://wanjasnotebook.blogspot.com |
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vxflores |
Veronica Flores-Paniagua |
External Affairs Advisor @Chevron, ex-journo, #energy & #education policy junkie; @UHouston-ex; #runner; 2000 @JSKStanford fellow. RT ≠ endorsement |
iPhone: 29.463654,-98.473572 |
http://www.chevron.com |
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vvchambers |
Veronica Chambers |
Editor, Narrative Projects @nytimes, author, Shirley Chisholm Is a Verb, 32 Yolks w/ @ericripert, @JSKStanford alum. I'm not a player but I create a lot. |
New York |
http://veronicachambers.com |
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voicebox_media |
VoiceBox Media |
VoiceBox is an eclectic public radio and podcast series about the voice.
Tune in on Fridays at 10PM on 91.7 FM KALW.
Listen live at http://www.kalw.org/ |
San Francisco |
http://voicebox-media.org |
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59112161 |
violetgonda |
Violet Gonda |
Journalist/Hot Seat interviews/ 1stTV/Moderator of Debates/ Zim/ UK/
President: International Association of Women in Radio and TV - IAWRT/ Serena 💕 Nadal |
UK/Zimbabwe |
http://www.violetgonda.com |
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village_scribe |
Divine Dube |
Local news #innovation geek. @JSKstanford Alum |
California, USA |
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ub14 |
Umbreen Bhatti |
Director of @barnard_athena || Fmr Director of @KQED's innovation lab, @JSKStanford fellow, and lawyer. Tweets 100% mine. |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/umbreenbhatti |
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txtianmiller |
T. Christian Miller |
Senior investigative reporter @Propublica. Co-author of http://afalsereport.com. Into journalism that counts. And bacon. Pulitzer winner. |
Berkeley, CA |
http://www.propublica.org |
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tseelig |
Tina Seelig |
Knight-Hennessy Scholars, Stanford Technology Ventures Program @Stanford. Author: Creativity Rules, inGenius, What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 |
Palo Alto, CA |
http://tinaseelig.com |
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Kaizar Campwala |
Exploring the chasms and commons between good citizenship and good business | @abc |
New York |
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14947379 |
tranosaurus |
Tran Ha |
Easy problems are no fun // On a break from Twitter // Find me on IG // Frmr: @stanforddschool @jskstanford @redeyechicago |
Chicago |
0 |
2472 |
1260 |
161 |
2008-05-29T19:50:13+00:00 |
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tomvandeweghe |
Tom Van de Weghe |
#AI strategist @VRT & #deepfakes expert | Research Fellow @Stanford | Investigative journalist | former Correspondent & Bureau Chief 🇺🇸&🇨🇳 | Author+Speaker |
Stanford, CA |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomvandeweghe |
0 |
26058 |
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2007-05-29T20:01:06+00:00 |
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Tomasz Deptula |
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47898401 |
titusplattner |
Titus Plattner |
Innovation projects & investigative reporter @Tamedia l @JSKstanford 18' l @ICIJorg Network Committee l Board of Swiss FOIA I coauthor @LaPremiereVague |
Lausanne, Suisse |
https://keybase.io/titus |
0 |
2150 |
1583 |
0 |
2009-06-17T08:26:57+00:00 |
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14104554 |
timreganporter |
Tim Regan-Porter |
"Make awesome stuff & be kind while doing it." CEO, Colorado Press Association. Prev: @jskstanford, @mercerccj, @PasteMagazine, @IBM, @McClatchy |
0 |
16335 |
16140 |
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2008-03-08T23:59:14+00:00 |
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29283 |
tigerbeat |
Steve Rhodes |
Photojournalist Also @tigerbeat @instagram Don't embed my photos as tweets/Instagram in stories Pay for my work DM or srhodes gmail Signal available on request |
San Francisco |
http://www.flickr.com/ari |
0 |
10265 |
11305 |
726 |
2006-11-29T01:51:08+00:00 |
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225293034 |
thischrishorne |
Damien is The Antichris Horne |
Publisher of The Devil Strip | JSK Fellow @ Stanford, 2019 | NAS CCF, 2018 | Makronite 💯 | Gave up Lent for bacon. | Retweets will not be televised |
Akron, Ohio |
http://TheDevilStrip.com/co-op |
0 |
2753 |
1345 |
75 |
2010-12-11T06:33:19+00:00 |
94466 |
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3C2C22 |
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27981533 |
theparagrapher |
Elaine Ray |
Journalist, writer, family historian, |
Stanford, CA |
http://www.ebenezerray.com |
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2009-03-31T22:31:19+00:00 |
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101255581 |
theoestein |
Theo Stein |
Cranky Yankee besotted by the West. |
Lafayette, Colo. |
0 |
116 |
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2010-01-02T16:13:01+00:00 |
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880043087384412160 |
thebell_io |
The Bell |
🔔The most important politics and business stories from Russia. Sign-up for our weekly email newsletter: http://thebell.io/en/ |
https://thebell.io/en/ |
0 |
3160 |
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2017-06-28T12:39:57+00:00 |
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82976044 |
the_wrangler |
Jon Christensen |
Wrangling this and that @UCLAIoES, @LENSatUCLA, @LuskinCenter, @UCLA_DH, @Stamen, @LibertyHill, @KCET 'Earth Focus,' @LARiverParks, and beyond. |
http://christensenlab.net |
0 |
6213 |
6057 |
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2009-10-16T21:19:49+00:00 |
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17270262 |
thamburger |
Tom Hamburger |
Reporter for The Washington Post covering the intersection of money and politics. tom.hamburger@washpost.com |
Washington, D.C. |
http://www.washingtonpost.com/tom-hamburger/2012/03/05/gIQABXKfTS_page.html |
0 |
31856 |
992 |
607 |
2008-11-09T16:20:46+00:00 |
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088253 |
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19244373 |
tgdavidson |
Tom Davidson |
Attempting to invent the future of media without blowing up Beeker in the process. Opinions here are mine, not those of employers past, present or future. |
SEVa, Tysons Corner, and I-95 |
http://tgdavidson.com |
0 |
845 |
758 |
79 |
2009-01-20T16:47:45+00:00 |
185 |
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24808107 |
terukuwayama |
teru kuwayama |
Seeker. Ex-IG/FB, JSK Fellow at Stanford, Ochberg Fellow at Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, Senior TED Fellow, Hoover Institution media fellow. |
http://www.about.me/terukuwayama |
0 |
2423 |
423 |
136 |
2009-03-17T00:48:13+00:00 |
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168580629 |
tayyebafridi |
Tayyeb Afridi |
Journalist| Radio & Online | Media Development | @JSKStanford |ICFJ 11 | RT≠Endorsement. |
Peshawar, Pakistan |
https://www.tnn.com.pk |
0 |
877 |
747 |
28 |
2010-07-20T08:13:42+00:00 |
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209407086 |
sylvestermonroe |
Sylvester Monroe |
Europe and South Asia Editor for the Washington Post |
Washington, DC |
0 |
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2010-10-29T03:50:44+00:00 |
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17684905 |
svwriter |
John Boudreau |
Vietnam bureau chief, Bloomberg News; formerly @mercnews Retweet ≠ endorsement. |
Hanoi, Vietnam |
http://www.bloomberg.com |
0 |
1776 |
1695 |
105 |
2008-11-27T18:31:36+00:00 |
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105381785 |
susrust |
Susanne Rust |
Investigative Reporter @latimes |
California, USA |
http://www.latimes.com/la-bio-susanne-rust-staff.html |
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2012 |
1271 |
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2010-01-16T05:17:40+00:00 |
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14145296 |
susie_c |
Susie Cagle |
🔍👀💻✍️🎨 / climate, crisis, labor, business, technology, California +++ / susie.cagle@gmail / DMs always open |
Oakland, CA |
http://susiecagle.com |
0 |
23441 |
2692 |
1120 |
2008-03-14T06:12:34+00:00 |
35932 |
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45861 |
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437729436 |
susanferriss |
Susan Ferriss |
Reporter, immigration editor @publicintegrity The Fight in the Fields co-author, former Mexico-based news correspondent. Welcome tips. |
Washington, D.C. |
http://www.publicintegrity.org/ |
0 |
2121 |
1004 |
127 |
2011-12-15T19:24:06+00:00 |
631 |
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3671 |
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17018840 |
sullivank |
Kevin Sullivan |
Washington Post Senior Correspondent. Author, with Mary Jordan, of 'Trump on Trial.' Out 8/25/2020. Pre-orders now! |
Washington DC |
http://washingtonpost.com |
0 |
4364 |
1040 |
153 |
2008-10-28T10:42:23+00:00 |
1327 |
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225505935 |
subbuvincent |
Subbu |
Despite all the jargon you hear, democratizing journalism and social media are part of the same journey. @jmethics. Book chapter: https://bit.ly/3m1ikb7 |
SF Bay Area, CA |
https://www.scu.edu/ethics/about-the-center/people/subramaniam-vincent/ |
0 |
1537 |
3973 |
88 |
2010-12-11T18:51:16+00:00 |
2234 |
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4753 |
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1435782937 |
storychallenge |
AfricaStoryChallenge |
The African Story Challenge is a $1 million programme of reporting grants to encourage innovative storytelling to improve the health and prosperity of Africans. |
http://africanstorychallenge.com |
0 |
815 |
315 |
24 |
2013-05-17T14:11:26+00:00 |
126 |
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624 |
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39592148 |
stevensdudley |
steven dudley |
Co-director of InSight Crime, longtime crime & public security reporter; author of MS-13: The Making of America's Most Notorious Gang (HarperCollins, 2020). |
http://www.stevendudley.com |
0 |
5347 |
442 |
147 |
2009-05-12T20:48:53+00:00 |
421 |
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1924 |
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234926815 |
stephenrproctor |
Stephen Proctor |
Managing Editor, Houston Chronicle, golfer, golf historian |
Houston, TX |
http://chron.com |
0 |
590 |
209 |
48 |
2011-01-06T22:44:27+00:00 |
66 |
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1559 |
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183906947 |
steingreenberg |
Sarah SteinGreenberg |
San Francisco |
http://dschool.stanford.edu |
0 |
570 |
122 |
24 |
2010-08-28T05:06:00+00:00 |
57 |
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193 |
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84472525 |
stanfordstory |
Stanford Storytelling Project |
An arts program at Stanford University exploring the power & craft of great, oral storytelling, traditional or modern, from Lakota tales to Radiolab. |
Stanford, CA |
http://storytelling.stanford.edu |
0 |
5578 |
707 |
222 |
2009-10-23T01:20:40+00:00 |
1225 |
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118263124 |
stanfordnlp |
Stanford NLP Group |
Computational Linguistics—Natural Language—Machine Learning—Deep Learning @chrmanning—@jurafsky—@percyliang—@ChrisGPotts—@tatsu_hashimoto at @StanfordAILab |
Stanford, CA, USA |
https://nlp.stanford.edu/ |
0 |
96854 |
98 |
0 |
2010-02-28T03:28:05+00:00 |
1 |
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76477503 |
stanfordmag |
Stanford Magazine |
Highlights and extras from Stanford's alumni magazine. |
Stanford, CA |
https://stanfordmag.org/ |
0 |
5708 |
543 |
169 |
2009-09-22T22:49:34+00:00 |
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30331404 |
stanforddschool |
Stanford d.school |
Everyone has the capacity to be creative. At the http://d.school, people use design to develop their creative potential and apply it to the world. |
Stanford, CA |
http://dschool.stanford.edu |
0 |
123410 |
443 |
3403 |
2009-04-10T22:39:22+00:00 |
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230879206 |
spmurphyboston |
Sean P. Murphy |
Reporter @Boston Globe, Suffolk University journalism professor, regular on the Red Line |
Boston, MA |
http://bostonglobe.com |
0 |
1407 |
200 |
72 |
2010-12-27T00:02:17+00:00 |
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781961899835437056 |
spaceship_media |
Spaceship Media |
Journalism to bridge divides. Building communities, restoring trust in journalism, reducing polarization //
spaceshipmedia@spaceshipmedia.org |
space |
http://spaceshipmedia.org |
0 |
1410 |
743 |
59 |
2016-09-30T21:00:19+00:00 |
2020 |
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50379519 |
sonniefron |
Sonni Efron |
President & COO, National Press Foundation. Journalism, foreign policy, democracy, human rights, technology, free expression, opinions my own, RTs not. |
Washington DC |
http://www.nationalpress.org |
0 |
410 |
422 |
16 |
2009-06-24T17:55:58+00:00 |
205 |
0 |
0 |
813 |
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19528008 |
skuzn |
sergey kuznetsov |
0 |
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32 |
2009-01-26T10:35:31+00:00 |
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1DA1F2 |
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12497 |
simonw |
Simon Willison |
Creator of @datasetteproj, co-creator Django. Fellow at @JSKstanford. Collector of @nichemuseums. Usually hanging out with @natbat and @cleopaws. He/Him |
San Francisco, CA |
https://simonwillison.net/ |
0 |
21461 |
4245 |
1265 |
2006-11-15T13:18:50+00:00 |
32193 |
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24125 |
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0000FF |
000000 |
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regular |
202025534 |
siliconsassy |
silicon sassy |
Irreverant commentary on the latest tech news, from the heart of Silicon Valley |
Silicon Valley, USA |
0 |
47 |
148 |
4 |
2010-10-13T04:01:45+00:00 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
188 |
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14130084 |
shazna |
Shazna Nessa |
Global Head of Visuals @WSJ + President, @ONA Board of Directors / Former Director, Journalism @knightfdn + @AP @CondeNast |
New York, NY |
0 |
4991 |
1060 |
374 |
2008-03-12T04:35:38+00:00 |
1789 |
1 |
0 |
1599 |
0 |
0 |
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D15C0F |
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71545361 |
sforaru |
Paul Radu |
0 |
69 |
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9 |
2009-09-04T14:18:36+00:00 |
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7 |
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588357987 |
semaanmariam |
mariam semaan |
#Knight #Fellow 2012/13 #Stanford #University #DesignThinking#Media expert #Designer of #Experiences #vintage clothes and accessories #collector |
1 |
207 |
219 |
16 |
2012-05-23T13:11:28+00:00 |
59 |
0 |
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694 |
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642D8B |
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FF3300 |
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16679681 |
sbanchero |
Stephanie Banchero |
Stephanie Banchero. Education Program Director at @JoyceFdn Former Wall Street Journal education reporter; Utah Jazz fan; shameless lover of corndogs & DWTS. |
Chicago, IL |
http://www.joycefdn.org |
0 |
9243 |
2241 |
414 |
2008-10-10T05:05:16+00:00 |
1323 |
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4088 |
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040485 |
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1522716182 |
sarahtwilliams1 |
Sarah T. Williams |
0 |
32 |
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2013-06-16T17:16:34+00:00 |
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1DA1F2 |
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none |
240349448 |
sarahalvarezMI |
Sarah Alvarez |
Journalist and founder/editor of Outlier Media. Profile photo by MacArthur Genius/Chicana extraordinaire Maria Varela, more:http://bit.ly/2RqcqAs |
Detroit, MI |
http://outliermedia.org |
0 |
2658 |
1640 |
104 |
2011-01-19T18:33:03+00:00 |
10911 |
0 |
0 |
968 |
0 |
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1604288388 |
samsends |
Samaruddin Stewart |
Countering Disinformation @StateDept | Priors: @Journalism_360 & @ONA, Media + Tech @spj_tweets with @GoogleNewsInit, @knightfdn Grantee, @JSKStanford Fellow.. |
SF Bay Area |
http://www.linkedin.com/in/samaruddin/ |
0 |
1222 |
2303 |
58 |
2013-07-18T20:50:38+00:00 |
6629 |
0 |
0 |
610 |
0 |
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000000 |
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23795899 |
saintfabio |
Jim Walsh |
Mr. Brightside |
Minneapolis, MN |
0 |
3132 |
2163 |
86 |
2009-03-11T17:33:08+00:00 |
19957 |
1 |
0 |
2359 |
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3B94D9 |
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14173930 |
s_m_i |
stacy-marie ishmael |
Trinidadian-at-large. Header by Alex Smailes; headshot by Kevin Abosch. She/her/they/them. My superpower is I read to the end. |
0 |
40331 |
9836 |
1022 |
2008-03-19T01:40:02+00:00 |
38744 |
0 |
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6070 |
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970E22 |
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84878C |
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19563420 |
rosey18 |
Robert J. Rosenthal |
Exec. Dir. @ Center for Investigative Reporting, lifelong journalist, NYTimes, Boston Globe, Philly Inquirer, SF Chronicle, Africa Correspondent. |
Berkeley, CA |
http://centerforinvestigativereporting.org/ |
0 |
3097 |
310 |
197 |
2009-01-26T22:42:21+00:00 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
5390 |
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0084B4 |
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55300229 |
ronnyrojas |
Ronny Rojas |
Tico. Investigative reporter. @TelemundoNews @newmarkjschool @JSKstanford '19. Before @Uninoticias; @OCCRP; @nacion ronny.rojas@journalism.cuny.edu |
New York, NY |
0 |
1752 |
831 |
109 |
2009-07-09T17:28:26+00:00 |
1014 |
1 |
0 |
3519 |
0 |
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0 |
ABB8C2 |
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4A913C |
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45226653 |
robsiegel |
Robert Siegel |
Lecturer @StanfordGSB, venture investor, @Cal undergrad, hockey/soccer fan, husband and father |
Portola Valley, CA |
http://fortitudegroup.io |
0 |
3940 |
746 |
143 |
2009-06-06T22:16:35+00:00 |
3818 |
1 |
0 |
2178 |
0 |
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3B94D9 |
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4A913C |
663B12 |
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15751494 |
robertaoster |
Roberta Oster |
Communications Director for @vainterfaith. Advocating economic, racial & environmental justice. Former TV news producer. tweets are my own. |
Richmond, Virginia |
http://www.robertaoster.com |
0 |
405 |
835 |
13 |
2008-08-06T15:57:15+00:00 |
295 |
1 |
0 |
184 |
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93A644 |
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18257896 |
rnakashi |
Ryan Nakashima |
Product manager, digital subscriptions, Bay Area News Group. Dad. Former @AP. @JSKstanford fellow ‘16-17. rnakashima@bayareanewsgroup.com |
https://medium.com/@rnakashi |
0 |
2068 |
1056 |
205 |
2008-12-20T01:19:04+00:00 |
1291 |
1 |
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1037 |
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1892710843 |
ritaneubauer |
Rita Neubauer |
0 |
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2013-09-22T06:12:57+00:00 |
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361635593 |
riicnews |
RIIC News |
Online educational resource for journalists covering Indigenous peoples. Tweets abt Indigenous media |
Toronto/Mississaugas territory |
http://www.riic.ca |
0 |
3683 |
3981 |
152 |
2011-08-25T02:50:00+00:00 |
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022330 |
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21194452 |
rbbrenner |
R.B. Brenner |
I teach journalism at Stanford University. |
Stanford, CA |
https://comm.stanford.edu/faculty-brenner/ |
0 |
2403 |
735 |
115 |
2009-02-18T13:20:18+00:00 |
3350 |
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310596714 |
radioambulante |
Radio Am-booo-lan-te 👻 |
Contamos tus historias: único podcast en español de @NPR / Tenemos un nuevo podcast: @elhilopodcast / Breaking the language barrier with @LupaApp. |
New York, NY |
http://www.radioambulante.org |
0 |
323019 |
2303 |
972 |
2011-06-04T01:16:58+00:00 |
28539 |
1 |
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40470 |
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18231471 |
questionswork |
Andrew Finlayson |
EVP Digital/Social Strategy @SmithGeiger
Helping storytellers on screens with research on 📺 OTT, video, SEO, website, mobile Author "Questions That Work" 👇 |
818-874-2000 |
http://questionswork.com |
0 |
1891 |
4758 |
91 |
2008-12-19T01:49:46+00:00 |
1703 |
1 |
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2900 |
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70191C |
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14324734 |
ptrounstine |
Phil Trounstine |
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. |
Aptos, CA |
http://calbuzz.com |
0 |
1063 |
134 |
43 |
2008-04-07T16:58:27+00:00 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
593 |
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9AE4E8 |
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9720702 |
psullivan1 |
Patricia Sullivan |
Washington Post reporter, old and new media. Founded Good Morning Silicon Valley, one of first blogs. patricia.sullivan@washpost.com |
D.C. |
http://muckrack.com/psullivan1 |
0 |
3116 |
815 |
144 |
2007-10-26T21:01:17+00:00 |
2470 |
1 |
1 |
10403 |
0 |
0 |
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0099B9 |
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0099B9 |
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1169981785 |
projomike |
Mike Stanton |
UConn journalism professor. Boston Globe Spotlight Fellow. Bestselling author, The Prince of Providence & Unbeaten. Pulitzer. @NewhouseSU & @MedillSchool alum. |
Rhode Island & Connecticut |
0 |
4220 |
2206 |
100 |
2013-02-11T20:38:09+00:00 |
5949 |
1 |
0 |
17602 |
0 |
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15120110 |
praeburn |
Paul Raeburn |
Journalist. Author. Producer, Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast. Passionate about journalism. Excited about comedy. |
New York, NY |
http://www.paulraeburn.com |
0 |
3902 |
648 |
228 |
2008-06-14T21:45:49+00:00 |
545 |
0 |
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5132 |
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0099B9 |
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1508511422 |
poderosaschicas |
Chicas Poderosas |
Somos una comunidad global que promueve el cambio fomentando el desarrollo de mujeres en medios y creando oportunidades para que todas las voces sean escuchadas |
https://medium.com/chicas-poderosas |
0 |
12661 |
732 |
245 |
2013-06-12T03:26:18+00:00 |
4905 |
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5942 |
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197544399 |
photogpedro |
Pete McBride |
Photographer, Writer, Filmmaker. Advocate of Wild Places. Lover of mountains, glassy waves, and spicy living. |
Colorado - or road |
http://www.petemcbride.com |
0 |
2706 |
202 |
93 |
2010-10-01T19:53:37+00:00 |
149 |
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3219 |
phillipadsmith |
Phillip Smith |
My passion is helping:
💰 1. Newsrooms make more money;
📈 2. News startups grow their audience;
🔥 3. Journalists succeed as entrepreneurs.
Let's talk 📩 |
California |
https://journalismentrepreneurship.com |
0 |
5156 |
4341 |
363 |
2006-07-27T02:33:10+00:00 |
11218 |
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19041319 |
peterhlewis |
Peter H. Lewis |
Reporter, Asheville Watchdog http://avlwatchdog.org. Noble Prize-nominated writer, Enemy of the People, ex NYT. |
Asheville, NC |
http://www.peterlewis.com |
0 |
1933 |
864 |
130 |
2009-01-15T22:01:05+00:00 |
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168183999 |
peterdicampo |
Peter DiCampo |
Photographer. Cofounder @everydayafrica @evdayprojects. Co-author @photo_rights. 2019 @JSKstanford Fellow. Bad guitarist. Wannabe comic book writer. |
https://www.everydayprojects.org/ |
0 |
4238 |
1854 |
156 |
2010-07-18T16:49:04+00:00 |
1914 |
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1433 |
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14124402 |
pedrodoria |
Pedro Doria 🇧🇷😷 |
🗞 @canalmeio.
📚 Escrevo livros de história.
🎙 Falo sobre política.
⚽️ @flamengo
🏈 @stanford
📞 http://bit.ly/2HpPzVx
RTs não indicam concordância |
Rio de Janeiro |
http://www.pedrodoria.com.br/ |
0 |
115197 |
1975 |
1181 |
2008-03-11T15:22:17+00:00 |
13201 |
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22743 |
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2241921 |
pc |
Pamela Chen 🙋🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ |
Camera & Photos @apple, curious at heart. 2020 @JSKStanford-@StanfordHAI Fellow, board @magnumfnd, alumna @instagram @natgeo @opensociety ☁️ |
Stanford, CA |
https://stanford.io/2O6sojp |
0 |
13155 |
1225 |
258 |
2007-03-26T02:40:05+00:00 |
2742 |
1 |
0 |
1116 |
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21901213 |
paddyhirsch |
Paddy Hirsch |
...... |
..... |
http://www.paddyhirsch.com |
0 |
7337 |
2144 |
298 |
2009-02-25T18:49:06+00:00 |
2016 |
1 |
1 |
18237 |
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974442329791582208 |
pactio_us |
Pactio Us |
Pactio reinvents the way local journalism is created and funded by enabling newsrooms to better connect with and get ongoing support from their audience. |
Bay Area |
http://pactio.us |
0 |
364 |
112 |
13 |
2018-03-16T00:28:50+00:00 |
345 |
1 |
0 |
189 |
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16729309 |
p2173 |
Lucy Bernholz |
Philanthropy wonk (avatar = resting bird face)
(B) https://philanthropy.blogspot.com/
(W) https://pacscenter.stanford.edu/research/digital-civil-society-lab/ |
about.me/lucybernholz |
http://lucybernholz.com/ |
0 |
18512 |
6768 |
1201 |
2008-10-13T22:54:01+00:00 |
34801 |
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055F80 |
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253711352 |
otorsten |
Torsten Kjellstrand |
Torsten is a staff photographer at The Oregonian, where he makes photographs and videos. He likes snow more than rain. |
Portland, Oregon, USA |
http://oregonlive.com |
0 |
104 |
5 |
10 |
2011-02-17T20:26:16+00:00 |
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2317636063 |
osetinskayaliza |
liza osetinskaya |
Russian journalist, editor, media manager. interested in Russian politics, digital media, perfect journalism. Stanford Jsk knight fellow 2017 |
Palo Alto, CA |
0 |
3368 |
229 |
51 |
2014-01-29T18:50:40+00:00 |
15 |
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1545741 |
osder |
Elizabeth Osder |
Media, Entertainment and Tech Executive... maker of real news... |
iPhone: 40.739487,-74.002266 |
http://www.osdergroup.com |
0 |
1127 |
968 |
82 |
2007-03-19T19:43:35+00:00 |
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D02B55 |
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1638298657 |
orbitalab |
OrbitalLab |
Organização para reunir quem tem projetos de mídia e quer tirá-los do papel. Um espaço para pensar, elaborar, testar e criar. |
0 |
256 |
45 |
10 |
2013-08-01T15:53:15+00:00 |
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16613227 |
nunovargas |
nunovargas |
Media, Product, Digital Strategy, Design Thinking & Tech. Ever in love with futebol, food and my family. Knight Fellow @Stanford'13 & invented @getdatastory |
Latin America + Porto,Portugal |
http://www.linkedin.com/in/vargasnuno/ |
0 |
2277 |
2674 |
322 |
2008-10-06T12:54:28+00:00 |
15533 |
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29029 |
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352726 |
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